APtravelnews-January15th, FL.- Bob taking time to be off the road for a change with some comments and pictures of the week. It has become clear that the whole world somehow has forgotten that Jerusalem is the actual and true capital of Israel. Thousands of years, it has been, even through the Diaspora. For 67-years Israel (as predicted in the Old Testament Bible) has been a true country, doing incredible things for all aspects of life for its people; Jews, and everyone else that’s a part of this incredible and great nation-state, as well as in the medical, tech and agricultural innovations for the whole world.
The one country, the only country in the Middle East, that Muslims, Christians, Jews, Bahai, Kurds, the sand people, tourists from all corners of the earth feel something for in their hearts and souls and are welcomed with open arms as well, the only-period. Because of hate fostered by edicts from early popes and uneducated people with standing in their nations, the call even in modern times is and was, that Jews killed Jesus- also a Jewish Rabbi, and this has been held over all Jews heads for untold centuries. Well, I of course, can’t set the record straight to all the foolish, believers in lies, but I will tell you that recent Popes who were and are educated into true history, not false, have helped mitigate this hate in many minds! So enjoy some of the pictures I took on my last trip, but not my last trip to Israel. Promise its safer here than to visit Chicago!
to G-d’s mandate for a new temple to be built on this spot again!!!