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Tag Archives: Wailing Wall

Bibi, Bibi A Leader of the Smallest, Most Powerful Nation In The World-(Chai) Lives!

Christians and Jews can rest a bit easier that Bethlehem Holy places will continue to be preserved. Look at what Muslims in other areas are doing destroying Christian peoples, their places of worship and their Iconic cultural traditions.
Christians and Jews can rest a bit easier that Bethlehem Holy places will continue to be preserved. Look at what Muslims in other areas are doing destroying Christian peoples, their places of worship and their Iconic cultural traditions.
A Western Wall Bar Mitzvah!
A Western Wall Bar Mitzvah!

APtravelnews-March 18th,  International Political Commentary-Jerusalem, Israel-“the day after” The leftist 0, the Likud 100! Bottom line, when you have a righteous man, a strong leader, a Churchill of our time-all good and smart people will continue to support him. So it was yesterday! Bibi, Bibi Israel stands strong with you in the lead! Israel is a “light unto all nations” Every possible excellent innovation in all fields of human needs is on the cutting edge for all the world to see and use for the betterment of peoples and environmental lives!!! Just think, even Arab terrorists are being treated to the best medical care in Israeli hospitals. Where anywhere else could this happen?

Whats left of the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, from 2000 years ago! Bibi visited this monument  to G-d's mandate for a new temple to be built on this spot again!!!
Whats left of the Western Wall of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem, from 2000 years ago! Bibi visited this monument
to G-d’s mandate for a new temple to be built on this spot again!!!
We stopped in at a Druse Village and the hospitality was fantastic! Picked up a gallon of fresh pressed olive oil for a take- home treat!
We stopped in at a Druse Village and the hospitality was fantastic! Picked up a gallon of fresh pressed olive oil for a take- home treat!