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Tag Archives: vertebrates

Book Review of A Taste for the Beautiful Book on the Evolution of Attraction

AmericanPresTravelNews–December 28th, PSL, FL– Book Review: Zoologist Michael J. Ryan explores how the female brain drives the evolution of sexual beauty in this entertaining yet quite authoritative new book. Taking up where Darwin left off “A Taste For the Beautiful: The Evolution of Attraction (publication date: February 7, 2018; $27.95), Michael Ryan, a leading authority on animal behavior, tells the remarkable story of how he and other scientists have transformed our understanding of sexual selection, shedding new light on human behavior in the process as well. Fascinating stories will bring you to pause, think and open your eyes about beauty and attraction. The book includes 8-halftones, is a 6X9 1/4 sized book with 16 color illustrations in this 208 page Cloth book. For you fine book-o-files the ISBN number is 978-0-691-16726-8 and the ebook ISBN is: 9781400889150.


Michael J. Ryan is the Clark Hubbs Regents Professor in Zoology at the U of Texas. He is also a Senior Research Associate at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. He is a leading researcher in the fields of sexual selection, mate choice, and animal communication. He lives in Austin, Texas.