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Tag Archives: trout

Friday Pictures of the Week!

Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel and the "Wall" does it conduit the written messages jammed between the cracks in the stones? I sent a few healing messages, just in case. Faith is powerful, it keeps most of us going on a somewhat even keel!
Jerusalem the Capitol of Israel and the “Wall” does it conduit the written messages jammed between the cracks in the stones? I sent a few healing messages, just in case. Faith is powerful, it keeps most of us going on a somewhat even keel!
Down in the gondola to the caves wrought by millions of years of erosion. Located at Hamat Gader! Amazing feeling when you realize the history of this and every other place you can visit in Israel!
Down in the gondola to the caves wrought by millions of years of erosion. Located at Hamat Gader! Amazing feeling when you realize the history of this and every other place you can visit in Israel!
Faith and a Bar Mitzvah at the Wall in Jerusalem. Prayer is powerful, I witnessed many miraclesin my more than a dozen visits to Israel-the "light unto All Nations."
Faith and a Bar Mitzvah at the Wall in Jerusalem. Prayer is powerful, I witnessed many miracles in my more than a dozen visits to Israel-the “light unto All Nations.”
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!
Miss Kitty Likes This Solar Light, no wires, just the sun and voila, a long lasting light!
Miss Kitty Likes This Solar Light, no wires, just the sun and voila, a long lasting light!
My wife, my Queen in a Druse Village in Northern Israel. Great people and very warm and wonderful to us!
My wife, my Queen in a Druse Village in Northern Israel. Great people and very warm and wonderful to us!

Images of the Week!

$22,000, yes, 22-K sold at Lang auction in Kennebunkport, Maine. This rare metal lure was made in 1860's
$22,000, yes, 22-K sold at Lang auction in Kennebunkport, Maine. This rare metal lure was made in 1860’s
At Lu Lu's in Alabama Orange Beach! This is Jimmy Buffets sisters place! Great visit! Fun to be a travel writers!
At Lu Lu’s in Alabama Orange Beach! This is Jimmy Buffets sisters place! Great visit! Fun to be a travel writers!
A tourist trap, no just a shark spider web!
A tourist trap, no just a shark spider web!
One of my many dozens fly fishing classes. This one in Wyoming. My classes are for up to 25 at a time!
One of my many dozens fly fishing classes. This one in Wyoming. My classes are for up to 25 at a time!
My terry and his favorite stuffed toy now chewed to beyond recognition, but no furniture even chipped by him. Best dog I ever made my bro!
My terry and his favorite stuffed toy now chewed to beyond recognition, but no furniture even chipped by him. Best dog I ever made my bro!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!

Images of the Week!

APtravelnews-February 27th, Port St Lucie, FL–Please enjoy a few of our thousands of our traveler images. As we are always on the Road Again, we do get lucky and experience some fun opportunities!!

Face to face with a great fish!
Face to face with a great fish!
Always traveling. This time, Orange Beach, AL
Always traveling. This time, Orange Beach, AL
The real little rascals know how to take apart a boat. Otters all!!
The real little rascals know how to take apart a boat. Otters all!!
Oceola Turkeys flushed by our boat! Never see another image like that again! They were moving 30-miles an hour.
Oceola Turkeys flushed by our boat! Never see another image like that again! They were moving 30-miles an hour.

My W. Virginia Brown trout 24-inches of pure action in a branch- filled river!My W. Virginia Brown trout 24-inches of pure action in a branch- filled river!

Port of the Islands redfish!
Port of the Islands redfish!

Which Political Party Would Bode Well For Outdoorsmen and Women?

Aptravelnews-February 7th,–Maggie Valley, N. Carolina–Bob and Barb “Stopping to Smell the Roses” and the wildlife too! My premise is quite a-political. I believe you can never trust an official that does not hunt or fish to be in charge of our natural and wild places. They just don’t get it! They have an ax to grind that favors the takers of our natural resources, unnaturally and for dollars!  So, all Americans are in danger of losing by fiat, their outdoor hunting and fishing rights regardless if they are the only ones that play by GODS rules!

Elk after being  reintroduced back to where they once lived before the forests were mostly denuded by mans needs for lumber and other natural resources!

If you play tennis, golf, ball, that’s great, but if do you shun the delights of the “real” outdoors; the places where macadam and cement is rare and nature offers the gift of the world as it is, and was before mans foot-prints were scarce and natures heavy-hand is, and was heavy laden, you give in to the false facts, that fishing and hunting, wildlife viewing and photography, hiking, kayaking-any simple outdoor pursuit has little value, but for harvest of trees and energy products latrout lodge barb and deernd leasing uses. Just a thought for this February Saturday!

A man and his dog sharing an upland game bird hunt!
A man and his dog sharing an upland game bird hunt!