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Tag Archives: trout

Fine Cuisine at the Dupont Hotel, in Wilmington, DE. and All Over The USA and Internationally Too!

Dupont Hotel Fine Dining! We ate our way through Delaware, from Wilmington, south! "Food writers we will go, food writers we will go, E, I, E, I, O.
Dupont Hotel Fine Dining! We ate our way through Delaware, from Wilmington, south! “Food writers we will go, food writers we will go, E, I, E, I, O.
Virginia Beach and the seafood is easy!  And, very, very fresh and good!
Virginia Beach and the seafood is easy! And, very, very fresh and good!
Boiling Springs, PA at the B.B Tavern. Best tavern food ever!!!!
Boiling Springs, PA at the B.B Tavern. Best tavern food ever!!!!
A variety of Middle Eastern vegetarian specialty dishes. Had to go to Israel to try these! The chef was Lebanese the Waiter was Jordanian, and the food was unreal goo!
A variety of Middle Eastern vegetarian specialty dishes. Had to go to Israel to try these! We were in Eilat, the hotel was Israeli, the chef was Lebanese, the waiter was Jordanian, and the food was unreal good!
Pueblo Viejo Restaurant  in Port St. Lucie, FL. and the Mexican dishes were wonderfully pleasing!
Pueblo Viejo Restaurant in Port St. Lucie, FL. and the Mexican dishes were wonderfully pleasing!

Images of the Week! A Catskill River-the Beaverkill!

On the Beaverkill River up in the Catskill Mountains!
On the Beaverkill River up in the Catskill Mountains! Brown Trout have taken over what for millenniums was a Brook Trout River. But, that’s OK, they fight great and are a terrific sport fish  from Germany! 
And Brown Trout do taste  very nice!
And Brown Trout do taste very nice!
Beaverkill River fly fishing action!
Beaverkill River fly fishing action!
Barb and I fishing in the Catskills! Note the street sign
Note the street sign: Brook Trout Road. We fished the Beaverkill and always stopped anywhere we thought we could cast to brookies, my favorite native species!
Enjoying a trout lunch in the Catskill Mountains! Note the Beaverkill River out the window!
Enjoying a trout lunch in the Catskill Mountains! Note the Beaverkill River out the window!

Al’s Goldfish Co. Coming on Strong! Dozens of New Products too! Go For the Gold, Its As Great as Ever!

APtravelnews-January 25th, PSL, FL.-Product Reviews-Fishing!  The image below is of the original early 1950’s Al’s Goldfish. The lure is a true game-fish slayer! Barb and I have caught bass anytime we cast one in our backyard slough pond! Several of my outdoor writer friends tell me stories of using Al’s Goldfish in Gold and Silver models years ago for terrific trout action all over the USA. See image below and check out their website 

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AL’s Goldfish Lure Co. is a Proud Sponsor of Project F.I.S.H.



Playing with 5 of Al's Lures and after useing them to catch several fish, I popped the treble hook covers on and no finger hookups!

APtravelnews-October 1st-news release reprint—What is Project F.I.S.H.? Involvement of youth in a long term and continuous, community supported, sportfishing and aquatic resource education program. 

Vision: To initiate and provide fishing education and fishing skills to interested adults and youth from Michigan’s many diverse populations. This will preserve a natural heritage that ensures the future of fishing, which includes natural resources and environmental awareness, ethical fishing practices, fisheries stewardship, and positive developmental activities for children, families, and the community.

The Michigan Project F.I.S.H. program works through a statewide committee with representatives from: Michigan 4-H Youth Programs, Michigan State University Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife), Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources Fisheries Division, city and community recreation departments, service organizations, sportfishing/service clubs fishing industries/retailers, volunteers, and many others.

Project Goals:

  • Provide multiple experience sportfishing giving youth gradual, sportfishing mentoring and a lifelong learning process.
  • Develop in kids an appreciation of the outdoors and outdoor ethics and behaviors. Encourage kids to spend time outdoors.
  • Introduce youth to sportfishing as a hobby and lifetime pursuit.
  • Reach youth through clubs, schools, and sportsmen’s organizations.
  • Help adults as mentors spend time with youth.
  • Involve teachers, adult volunteer youth leaders, teen leaders, and retirees as mentors.
  • Provide training for volunteers, school teachers, mentor programs and  service organizations.
  • Help instructors develop willingness and ability to start and sustain a long term program in their local communities (including management/coordinator strategies)
  • Help instructors and youth gain new knowledge and confidence, enjoyment of the outdoors, aquatic biology/ecology, ethics and angling skills.
  • Show local teams of instructors how to use available resources that highlight accessible fishing opportunities.

Contact : Mark Stephens Room 13 Natural Resources Bldg. East Lansing MI 48824

517-432-2700  [email protected] ,,,