Taco Dive, is not a dive at all. Great meals and beverages!!
American Press Travel News–12/15/18–at Taco Dive-Port St Lucie, FL–Bob & Barb “On The Road Again.” Great, really great taco’s and burritos are hard to find. Well, this place was no dive, it was a hit with us, and as we noticed many others in the area known as Tradition Square.
This Chevy bread delivery truck is being transformed into a food truck business. It is a work in progress, best left to various professionals in the electric and propane areas.
This truck is In the process of being turned into a kitchen and serving vehicle!
APtravelnews-July 31st, Frederick, Maryland--Food entrepreneurs have come out of the kitchen and onto the road delivering great “eats” at reasonable prices to folks who want a tasty meal fast and on the “cheap” too! Today there are food trucks selling a huge variety of sandwiches, plated gourmet dishes, hot dogs and burgers, tacos, pizza, slurpies, shakes, lemonades and innumerable rice and spaghetti dishes too! There are many reasons for the success and failures of these individualized purveyors of prepared foods. The successful food vendors know their customers tastes and offer items that are easy to eat on the go, are tasty and filling, can be considered mainstream dishes that are not fad prone and prices are reasonable. The failures miss all the above, or a couple of those customer needs and expectations. As we travel we see all manner of soft ice cream trucks, crepe vans, pizza wagons, meatball and sausage and peppers trailers (seen at all outdoor fairs and expositions) the truck seen in this post will be a gourmet beef brisket, pulled pork and chicken enterprise served on home made sesame and onion buns with a special sauce concoction that could be considered addictive in it flavor and aroma too! The name of this new truck is: Mobile USA Cuisine-basically a true barbecue emporium on wheels and steroids provided by the very excited owner-Josh, our grandson! Look for it parked in prominently fun places all over Maryland!