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Tag Archives: sun

Global Warming, the Joke is On Us! I’m Still Going to Drive My Van!

Global warming due to "US" has not melted my Arctic landing pad!
Global warming due to “US” has not melted my Arctic landing pad!

APtravelnews-February 15th, The Arctic–40-below and the copter was still operating, but no, we didn’t shut the motor down. Sure, we may be in a warming cycle, the earth has been in and out of these cycles for untold millions of years. Why would anyone be so foolish as to think people are changing the worlds climate in any truly significant way? As a world traveler, for the past 52-years, I’ve seen and heard many things from many people, including some of the finest true Scientists in the world. But frankly, not a one of these “true” Scientists” that did not have a political agenda, ever espoused that the cause of the “big melt” was due to humanity! Yes, in various locales, and on a micro-climate basis there have been some changes and (very limited areas) but G-D and his, its, hers nature is still calling the shots! The only thing I can say is move over Florida, with this winter and the past couple, lots of folks up North Country way are going to be looking for a home in the sun!