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Tag Archives: slingshot

The Pocket Shot, Here’s the Evolution of the Slingshot

Pulling on the bottom of the pouch with a steel ball in the bottom between your fingers allows for a powerful, impactful release of up to 350-feet per second!
Pulling on the bottom of the pouch with a steel ball in the bottom between your fingers, allows for a powerful, impactful release of up to 350-feet per second!


The six inch package comes with a bag of 100-steel balls, 3 pull-pocket shot rubber units, instructions, and shot bracket, bag holder. Included also are two more replacement units of different power pull strengths.
The six inch package comes with a bag of 100-steel balls, 3 pull-pocket shot rubber units, instructions, and shot bracket, bag holder. Included also are two more replacement units of different power pull strengths.

AmericanPressTravelNews-August 15th,-Goose Holler’ Farm, TN.—I have to admit when I received the new Pocket Shot; a “Made In America” new kind of slingshot, I was skeptical of how accurate and powerful it could be. That’s until I placed one of the included ¼ ounce steel balls in the pouch, pulled back on the rubber pouch, and whacked a soda can with it from 30-feet away. I didn’t pull back very hard, but I hit that can and really put a dent in it! Used correctly and easily you can send one of these little steel balls up to 350 feet per second-that’s hitting power in anyone’s book! I believe that this could be a great back-packers shooter, and no question with a bit of practice you can take out a variety of small game and birds. Check out their website at