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Tag Archives: service stations

Long Time Away From Posting, Here’s Why and We’re Back Now!

Penn Fire Museum
Our 5-year faithful van is no more!!!!!

American Press Travel News–Frederick, MD. July 18th–(today)-TN. tomorrow–Whats up with Bob and Barb (now) “On the Road Again?” Seems that our trip to Maine would be fraught with very deep “pot-holes.” After spending a few days at a family wedding in New York City (which was the high point of our trip from TN.) we headed towards a 7-hour drive to Saco, Maine to meet up with Mike Lee, owner of AL’s Goldfish Lure Co. We were driving our high-mileage Chrysler Town and Country, Limited mini van. About half-way to Maine, the engine-light blinked and stayed on telling us to check engine. Moving along on I-91 at 70-mph, semi-trucks all around us, I attempted to move out of lane to break away from them and suddenly “nothing” happened my transmission was GONE! I couldn’t believe it, (I had no time to see how wide-eyed and scared Barb was) but the burning smell of transmission fluid boiling under the hood filled our van. I didn’t panic, (after several decades, a few with dire emergencies, I learned to never panic) but slowly crabbed over towards a lucky break in traffic, to a glide off an exit that was in reach. Rocky Hill, Connecticut was to be our home for a few days 4-hours short of our Saco, Maine. I finally came to a stop at the edge of the off-ramp, blocking traffic-all manner of trucks and cars. I looked first and my back to very close semi’s and autos, began pushing my van over a curb, onto a grass patch. One young fellow behind me, jumped out of his car in a line of at least a hundred vehicles, and helped me. My faith renewed that we may make it through this disaster with only a great loss of dollars and perhaps some help from our AAA, membership, we called and waited about 45-minutes and a fine fellow showed with a pull-on truck and whisked us away to  Modern Tire and Auto, about a mile away from our side-of-the-road site. Well, suffice it to say, the people behind the big front counter desks were incredible! They really had empathy for us. The did a full diagnostic and determine that our transmission was gone, gone gone! Cost for a new one $3900. Our high mileage van didn’t deserve this expense. They did not charge us a dime, they called Enterprise Rental for us, and promised to sell off our van for junk value and they did just that. Mike and Carlos, you fellows really “rock.” Enterprise gave us a full-size new vehicle and we left for Maine (just couldn’t pass up some fresh lobster dinners) saw and stayed with Mike and his great family, visited his small lure plant and store house of a million different lures and other fishing products, slept over and headed back to CT. My dear friend, Veteran Russ Barrus found our title stored at our home in FL. and over-nighted it, so we could legally be rid of our van. Another motel night and we were off to MD. to visit our son and have him assist in finding another vehicle, so we could head back to Goose Holler’, our farm in TN. Enterprise waived the $200 out of state drop-off fee. Note: If you ever have to rent a car or van, call them first-we have always only used enterprise as we have had excellent service and care. They pick you up, listen to your issues and treat you fairly and with care!

OK! So we bought a privately owned Ford Explorer Sport, 4-wheel- on -the- fly, and although it has some mileage on it, we gladly paid 2-grand for it! Heading to TN. Tuesday! Back to posting starting today!! Lots of experiences and stories to share with my faithful and new readers! Boy, do I miss terry, my furry dog-son!!!I hear from Marsha at our farm, he misses us too!!!