9th, Key Largo, FL.-Correspondent Brian E.on a “tear” to find his snapper dinner! When I go fishing, I look for fish that I can broil or saute fresh and sweet au natural! When my parents come down from further north in Florida, to visit, I make sure they can get a snook filet or a fine snapper baked up for them! I was raised in the Keys, and now I find myself going back to where I had the best time of anyone’s life; the Keys!
For snapper or any predator, live or fresh shrimp, pilchards and the best, baby mullet are best baits! My success in catching, not just fishing is in direct correlation to being able to match the hatch, so to speak! Jigs, and other artificial’s such as spoons in active bait fish colors like lures from Al’s Goldfish, work great too, and often I just cannot get the baits I want, so I do rely on these artificial’s that really mimic the real thing, so I don’t go home empty handed for dinner! So much fishy waters, so many species to target, so many sunsets to relax in. Diane and I can’t wait to once again spend full-time in the Keys again!