APtravelnews-November 14th, Bob and Barb at Goose Holler’ Farm, TN.–
Yes, there are a zillion different kinds and manufacturers of flashlights out there, but do any also charge your cell phone and other small electronic devices? One of them does! Not only does this powerful, rechargeable flashlight light the way in dark places, but it recharges from your laptop and also has simple connects and adapter to charge cell phone, Ipads, tablets, and a wide array of other electronic devices. Celestron makes a variety of interesting and useful electronic items and this is just one of them that I will not leave home without. No kidding, I plugged in my Samsung Note when it was low on charge when I was out and about and expecting a call, the flashlight/Charger took care of the business of keeping me In Charge!
Check out www.celestron.com you will be amazed at the items they offer!