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Tag Archives: luxury transportation

Luxury Carts of Islamorada Opens on The Treasure Coast of Florida




Banner street legal golf carts on the displayAmerican Press Travel News–January 1st, 2024–Bob and Barb – “” Always on The Road Again”–Electric carts that do not make noise, leave exhaust, drip oil and potentially gas, are a proven means to enjoy every day, and, during vacation mode, as well.

The very successful introduction of highest quality of street-legal electric carts in the Upper Florida, and middle Florida Keys, as well, has spawned huge interest in their introduction, state-wide in Florida.

As a result of the strong interest in the use of quality carts for wedding, special events and even food tours to name a few of the venues these carts help enhance, Islamorada Custom Carts has expanded to the Treasure Coast.

COMING SOON, upcoming information over the next two weeks!

For direct more information now contact Bob and Barb at 772-812-0933 or email [email protected]

Couple sitting inside a luxury cart on dipslayIslamorada luxury carts on the display