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Tag Archives: go fish

Go Fish Education Center in Perry, GA.

Barb lips the biggest largemouth in the world.
Visiting a black bear at the center.
Free catch and release pond with gear included!
Barb hitting the pheasant lights on the simulator.

American Press Travel News-October 9th, 2019-Perry, GA. – Bob and Barb “On The Road Again” this time in GA. While in Perry, GA. on the way home from Florida to our Goose Holler’ Farm in TN., we stopped in a area of GA. that has several interesting Go To places for locals, travelers and general visitors. There is a huge convention center, a marvelous outdoor venue for equestrian and RV convention events, as well as a monster Georgia National Fair, and carnival functions, year-around. A huge project now open for over a decade is the Go Fish Education Center. This center features over 200,000 gallons of aquariums/exhibits. The exhibits showcase fish and habitats from all areas of Georgia. We tried out fishing and hunting simulators. These were a real treat for us and the various families including children that tried these simulators out. We were introduced at the incoming desk of Go Fish to Michael Fulghum, the aquarium manager. Fulghum said that the tradition of fishing was passed on to him from his grandfather and father. “Working at the Go Fishing Education Center has allowed me to share that tradition with others. From school children to senior citizens , the staff at the Go Fish Center teaches the skills and techniques needed to enjoy fishing. We have the great pleasure of sharing some of life’s little moments with our guests, whether watching a child land their first fish, or helping a family catch their limit, the Go Fish Education Center is here to secure the tradition of fishing for years to come”, concluded Fulghum. We agree, this is a terrific venue for keeping the healthy and happy sport of fishing, top-of-the -mind for everyone. Visit their state-of-the-art hatchery, and catch and release, with bait and tackle is free at their fishing pond that’s stocked with several warm water fresh water species. Go to their website: for more information.