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Tag Archives: fish

Water Water Everywhere, Especially Inside Us All!

From the miasma, life came! But only due to water being created by G-D's plan of nature!
From the miasma, life came! But only due to water being created by G-D’s plan of nature!


APtravelnews- August 21st–Goose Holler’ Farm, TN.—Water!  H2O is a whole lot more than just being wet, thirsty and clean. Water is life itself!

All water that was ever on, and in earths atmosphere, going back to the beginning is still here. We and all animal and plant life are predominantly made up of water. The problem with water today  is how it’s used and abused, wasted to undrinkable, flushed away and mixed with dangerous unnatural chemical compounds rendering it useless and unhealthy for the support of life and most important of all; taken for granted. Just ask anyone in California if today, they take water for granted, or the peoples of desertification all over the arid nations of the world, how they think of water! The bottom line is; today with a world population of billions and compare these numbers to the few millions of peoples of the past, water is being used by a modern, unprecedented amounts of peoples and businesses from agricultural to every possible niche in every aspect of life’s uses and needs, from direct need in human waste and hydration needs, to every social and business requirement. Take a look at Las Vegas, it’s fountains and pools, lawn and landscape watering, and what are they about to do? Take down the big lake that Hoover Dam has created. Las Vegas is frantic now that wonderful dry heat they tout also is evaporating waters by a factor of 20-percent per day!

According to an article in Eating Well March and April 2015 “fully 50-percent of your water footprint is devoted to your diet (food and drink) think about this: just one cup of tea takes 9-gallons of water to create that tiny bit of tea. 1 oz. of chocolate needs 127 gallons to create that cocoa bean. For a 3-oz. piece of beef it takes 347 gallons, an oz. of almonds-120 gallons, a 3 oz. piece of chicken 98-gallons, a cup of coffee 34 gallons, a glass of wine 24 gallons to make that vine that matures and offers those grapes.” A few more general stats and tips: The daily water footprint of the average American is 2000 gallons per day (both direct and indirect usages) that’s about double the worldwide average and this is an  equivalent of running the dishwasher 400 times. When taking a 10-minute shower you use about 25-gallons.  Aiming for a 5-minute shower or less and you can save about 300-gallons a month.” Look I can go on and on, but bottom line is; where it’s possible to save water, or anything we routinely use. Think about all the possibilities and act. You can save a whole lot more than just dollars! Remember many new companies who have started up bottled water businesses in the recent past are all now highly successful multi-million dollar businesses. Quality of water injected with chlorine for purification bred a whole new enterprise out of need!

Mid Week Images To Remember

Taken just before Hurricane Andrew struck!
Taken just before Hurricane Andrew struck Biscayne Bay!
This 100-pound grouper was brought up from 200-feet off of Mexico on the boat Catch-22. No its not a Goliath Grouper!
This 100-pound grouper was brought up from 200-feet off of Mexico on the boat Catch-22. No its not a Goliath Grouper!
The way it used to be! Joe Brooks image! From my book: History of Fishing The Florida Keys!
The way it used to be! Joe Brooks image! From my book: History of Fishing The Florida Keys!
NUTS! In the Arctic!
NUTS! In the Arctic!
Great entry way to a B n B!
Great entry way to a B n B!

Thoughts for a Country May Monday

My pond in TN. and our windmill
My pond in TN. and our windmill

APtravelnews-May 11th, Goose Holler’ Farm— Sitting and looking out from over my desk towards our 1-acre pond. Thoughts went back to yesterday. I was sitting next to the pond relaxing and I heard a rustling sound coming from a small bush on the otherside of the pond, when a fat mud turtle emerged, looked across the narrow edge of the pond and then quickly slid into the pond.

Each day a new tableau opens up to me, and I am just happy to take it all in whenever I am not locked to the puter!

Today, just moments ago a silvery shard, in the guise of a frisky largemouth bass jumped at some falling caterpillars falling from their silky tent-nest high in one of the trees that ring the pond. The sun caught the wet, white and silver bottom of the fish and I am now recording it on the puter, with only the ripples left of the memory of that delicious sight.

From the deer that come down to drink, to the kingfisher screeching across the pond in hopes of popping a bluegill too close to the surface for its own good, I marvel at the sights and take frequent breaks to just sit back, smile and watch the unfolding nature less than 100-feet away from my office window. Besides the 5-S’s, what else is more fulfilling on a country spring day? Thoughts for a fine Monday half-way through the month of May!

Images of the Week!

$22,000, yes, 22-K sold at Lang auction in Kennebunkport, Maine. This rare metal lure was made in 1860's
$22,000, yes, 22-K sold at Lang auction in Kennebunkport, Maine. This rare metal lure was made in 1860’s
At Lu Lu's in Alabama Orange Beach! This is Jimmy Buffets sisters place! Great visit! Fun to be a travel writers!
At Lu Lu’s in Alabama Orange Beach! This is Jimmy Buffets sisters place! Great visit! Fun to be a travel writers!
A tourist trap, no just a shark spider web!
A tourist trap, no just a shark spider web!
One of my many dozens fly fishing classes. This one in Wyoming. My classes are for up to 25 at a time!
One of my many dozens fly fishing classes. This one in Wyoming. My classes are for up to 25 at a time!
My terry and his favorite stuffed toy now chewed to beyond recognition, but no furniture even chipped by him. Best dog I ever made my bro!
My terry and his favorite stuffed toy now chewed to beyond recognition, but no furniture even chipped by him. Best dog I ever made my bro!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!