APtravelnews-March 4th, Bob and Barb “On the Road Again”-Boynton, Beach, FL. at Moms house getting on my cabin fever mode! Can’t wait to get back to TN.
She wanted my Africa, Goldie the Goldfish book, and History of Fishing the Florida Keys books!
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APtravelnews-March 4th, Bob and Barb “On the Road Again”-Boynton, Beach, FL. at Moms house getting on my cabin fever mode! Can’t wait to get back to TN.
APtravelnews-New Products-October 29th,–I finally found a “Bungee Cord on Steroids.” The Davis Instruments company has recently released to its distributors the “Shockle.” Whats a Shockle? A super strong –holds up to 300 pounds, tough U V-resistant nylon covered 10X stronger bungee cord than you’ve ever experienced. The units comes in 12, 18 or 24 inch models. To fully stretch one of these babies. You have to put at least 25-pounds of pull before being able to snap the 316 Stainless Steel snaps. Great for Kayaking, camping, RV’s, sailing and fishing. I tested an 18-inch Shockle to hold my farm ladder on top of my golf cart roof without it sliding around. The bungee is so strong that my ladder didn’t budge on my bumpy ride to the barn. These bungees hold fast ropes, hoses, lumber on the back of the trailer or pickup, anything you want to keep tightly held and controlled. I give a big “thumbs-up” to Davis and their Shockles! Oh, and by the way, if you carry bicycles on your vehicle, these bungees will secure them for you tightly!.
Check them out for yourself by going: www.davisnet.com or give a call to: 510-732-9229