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Tag Archives: drug stores

The Annual Clinch River Spring Antique Fair- May 6th-Something for Every Collector

AmericanPressTravelNews-May 12th-Downtown Clinton–Bob & Barb “On The Road Again” & “Stopping to View the Antiques.”  Over 100- antique dealers descended to Clinton’s historic downtown representing over 5-different states. There was also an antique car show during the Saturday fair. There were numerous local food vendors and the ambiance of the whole event had thousands of folks smiling all the way besides them bargaining and buying as well. Even with the rain showers, everyone we talked to had a great time as we did as well. On October 13-14, 2017 Clinton will have their fall antique show. Clinton is located off of I-75 exit 122 15-minutes north of Knoxville, TN. for information contact the Anderson, County Chamber of Commerce. Telephone no. (865) 457-2559 website is