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Tag Archives: Cuban food

Cuba Si, Yankee Si The Beginning of a Detente Between The U.S.A. & Cuba

Cuba just 90-miles from Key West!
Cuba just 90-miles from Key West!

APtravelnews-March 21st,-Havana, Cuba-“Bob & Barb On the Road Again.” Yes, as pundits claim; “this is an extraordinary day.” Indeed it is! Well, in the throes of a President getting ready to leave office, and him seeking to make a farewell statement by doing all he can to open up Cuba and American relations for his legacy, he took everyone he could including his mother-in-law, wife and daughters, 40-Congressional and Senate leaders and many others to the largest Caribbean Island with him, at a cost of 40-million bucks or so! I was invited by the Commodore of the sport fishing fleet in Havana Harbor, a long time friend.

Look, the Cuban people are great just as our people in the USA are great! This post is not going to be too controversial, as history will view the true events and out coming’s of this historic visit, that took 90-years for an American President to visit this (make no mistake) a full communist nation.  What I do know is that the average American tourist still cannot fly over there on vacation, and doing business with a country that has stolen 6-billion dollars of American lucre in real estate and businesses, home and properties, killed and jailed uncountable people, will be fraught with land-mines at least for the foreseeable future.

I do know there already is a strong jockeying going on for U.S. interests trying to get in and get first dibs on the possibly most lucrative invasion of Gold and silver diggers ever! The Keys business and real estate community is abuzz with anticipation of property values soaring, and the potential for cheap labor as well, always a big problem for tourism businesses in the Keys! I can see the ferries, ferrying and the sky’s a-buzz with jets, auto traffic in the Keys is going to become impossible as it already is on any holiday or weekend with PR types hyping and squeezing the last bit of visitors they can on to a mostly, single lane road. My prediction is lots of money to be made, but for every ying there is a yang! What goes up or out, much like a fly fishing line, must come back and it might not always come back with roses, but with thorns too! Stay tuned! This is big, at least I can’t wait for my real Media Noche sandwich!!!

Driving  to the Keys? Wake Up Call; So Far, So almost Good, Just Wait Until Full Opening  of Cuba!

43 bridge to the Florida Keys now available personalized!

APtravelnews-Key West, -FL .-3/20/15-“Bob and Barb On The Road Again”-After having lived in the Florida Keys for more than 30-years and remembering the times when getting on the one-lane section of the US-1 Overseas Hwy was “a breeze in the Keys”, we are now wondering if getting on the highway will still remain a “breeze”, or turn into a hurricane now that Cuba is opening up to tourism. This post is not a rant about Cuba, (actually, we can’t wait to take the ferry, we love great Cuban food, true Cuban locals to talk to, and sport fishing-no politics!)  just about plain common sense re-evaluating  how in the world a one lane road to Key West from the southern most part of Key Largo, 190-miles on a single lane each way,  is still going to work now?

If the Federal Government expects everyone from now on, that hopes to get to Key West for business or pleasure, driving 50-miles per hour over 43-bridges (yeah, I counted them for my book “43-Bridges to The Florida Keys”} will not be doing 20-miles per hour! What I see and I am the first to write about this, the Overseas Highway will need to be widened to two lanes running both ways into and out of the Keys. I’ll leave this to my readers about costs, safety as in how to get out of Keys in a hurricane or other natural and unnatural disaster. All the way around, the costs are humongous, to say the least! No problem, the way this gov is spending, they’ll print some more! Regardless, once work begins on the highway, you might as well stay home. As it is the Keys is getting over done in so many ways. Used to be able to buy a home there, now better be a millionaire,  never got really ripped at motels and marinas for anything, fishing captain, hotel, motel, (restaurants are still somewhat reasonable and great for seafoods) the diving is still good, but no need to go past Key Largo, the best buys for tourists in the keys is Key Largo only an hour from Miami!

Worked my butt off on this book! A difficult one to write as all I could do was scratch the surface on the topic! But, it was fun to-learned much during research learning!
Worked my butt off on this book! A difficult one to write as all I could do was scratch the surface on the topic! But, it was fun to-learned much during research learning!

shrimp floating on bay

Los Cayos=(Those Bones) as the Spansih called the Keys Hundreds of years ago!
Los Cayos=(Those Bones) as the Spanish called the Keys Hundreds of years ago!