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Tag Archives: cats

The Cat’s Meow

American Press travel news–Feb. 19th, Bob and Barb “On The Road Again”—Cats, Felines, Pussy Cats all have two things in common; fangs and claws, even the cutest ones do. Of course, many more common traits as well, but we’ll explore some of them later.
There are big cats, small cats, and every size, furry feline, with every hair and coat type, in between.
The American Veterinary Medical Association says more than half of U.S. households, or nearly 57 percent, owned a pet at the end of 2016 and most of them own one or more cats.. Nearly one in four households nationwide, or 38 percent, owned one or more dogs, which the association says is the highest estimated rate of dog ownership since 1982, when it began measuring ownership.

One of the most common pets in the world, cats are known to be the most independent animal pets. If you are a cat lover, you’d be interested to know how many cat breeds there are in the world. Read on you’ll find out! Imagine the average cat can spend two thirds of the day by sleeping. A cat who is 10 years old only stayed awake for 3.3 years in its lifetime.

We accept these intriguing animals as pets, however some of the Asian countries consider them as food. In fact, cat meat is very popular in most of the Asian countries. The sad fact is China alone among the far-eastern nations, consumes more than 4 million cats in a year. There are animal lovers that try to do something about this, but the government of China still allows it.
Going back in history, the Papal declared that the cats are evil during the Spanish Inquisition and untold numbers of cats were slaughtered in Europe! Sometimes the is such thing as “cats revenge” After Europe murdered so many of their cats, and as the amount of the cats dramatically decreased, the mice and rat population increased in about the same proportion. As a result, the great pestilence (Black Plague) occurred, and millions of people lost their lives during this period. On the brighter side; bet you didn’t know that we sent a cat to space? The first cat that went to space went there in 1963. Her name was Felicette, a French cat. She came back to earth without any problem.

Although we have fed them at our homes for thousands of years, cats still have plenty of wild instincts. Unlike the dog, cats lower their head while they are chasing their prey. Female cats usually use their left paws more, while most of the male cats prefer to use their right paws more.
Many people are allergic to cats (my wife Barb is one of them). After much research, and speaking to specialists in allergies, it appears that cats dried airborne saliva from their fur- cleaning tongue is the culprit. Its breathed in by everyone in contact in their homes, and everywhere cats abide, and causes allergic reactions to one in ten people.

You have probably heard many different vocalizations coming from your cat. But we can easily say that you have not heard all their voices, even though you are living with your cat for years. They have more than a hundred different vocalizations, while this amount is only limited to about ten in dogs. And that’s enough for me!!

Like dogs, cats don’t have sweat glands in their bodies. They sweat through their paws.
Cats purr and meow, and rub their scent glands all over any part of your legs. People think they love them for this. Not so fast! Cats love other cats, that’s it, except for them bonding with you for food and comfort.

Besides sleeping so much of the day and night, cats spend another third of their time by cleaning themselves, or each other.
According to International Progressive Cat Breeders Alliance (IPCBA), there are 73 different cat breeds in the world with many variations in their personalities and temperament. However, there are some cat breeds which are not recognized as a breed yet, so more breeds will come into being as well.
A few things that are quite negative about cats: When left to their own instincts they not only kill rodents, but also birds. Its their nature to pursue anything that moves and tries to escape their claws and fangs. What I don’t like is that they do their business inside, even if its inside a box of cat litter there are odors. Cats also can transmit disease to humans. I do not kiss cats or dogs for this possibility. My doctor daughter-in-law spent time in the hospital herself a victim of Scratch-Fever.
So, remember; of course love them all, they are great companions even with their faults.


Baxter Tennessee Catfish Fee to Fish Pond

American Press Travel News–June 26th, Bob & Barb Stopping to Smell the Roses and the catfish–Cats for a Fee On another planet (or so it seemed as I spent two years in the Congo) I fished nearly every day in creeks, ponds and even the deepest river in the world at 1290-feet deep.  I had catfish take my baits and lures along with all manner of other actual game fish that jumped, put on a great acrobatic show and had teeth, such as the tiger fish made of nightmares in this striped biter and slasher.  But the catfish dove, pulled and bulldozed their way towards the bottom.  On a dock at the Congo, I saw a 600-pounder being cut up for the pot. These wild-ones put up a fine fight, and smaller ones that didn’t break my line or rod, roasted over bamboo coals, were excellent fare.

There are nearly 3,000 known species of catfish in the world, but it is thought that the actual number of catfish species could be as high as 4,500, as many species of catfish are found in areas where there is little or no human contact. I counted about 30-different catfish species that I caught during my time in Africa.

Here in the states there are many varieties, but the ones most of us like to catch and eat are Channel Cats. Twin Lakes Catfish Farm is your spot!  They have Channel Cats, Blue Cats, Flatheads, and farm fed fish as well. They stock 10-15-thousand of them and they are ready to catch and keep, or catch and release for a fee.

It’s the first week of summer, and that’s what fishing is all about; togetherness sharing quality time in the summer outdoors. What we witnessed during our visit were families enjoying time together fishing.  The catfish farm has an RV park, a stage for events, a restaurant, a tackle shop where you can buy or rent gear if you forgot yours and a bait shop too! The Pippin Family, Greta Hurst, Greg Pippin and Lesette Pippin all work and manage what started in 1946 by J. Fred and Evelyn Pippin who purchased the first part of the farm. In 2000 the rest of the family moved onto the property and decided to take the idea of a catfish pay lake and make it a reality. They did!

April through October each Saturday they run a tournament where participants can win a trophy and some cash too! They also host special tourneys for kids and veterans, ladies and special partner’s tournaments.  Greg told me that once in awhile, someone hooks up catfish to 90-pounds in his lakes, and then its pandemonium of fun for the angler, and everyone watching, as well.

Yes, catfish is on the menu at their restaurant, but so is all other non-catfish fare as well!

You pay one fee for all day catch and release, and another fee for catch and keep as well as paying by the pound for your fresh caught catfish. Open Thursday through Sunday, and they’re located at Exit 280 off of I-40, go north 2.5 miles on highway 56 to 580 Gainesboro Hwy. This is fun for you and pals, or for the whole family. Call 931-858-2333 for any additional information.

Great thing about fishing is “God does not deduct mans time on earth when he ( or she) is fishing!”

Global Pet Expo Highlighted K9S FOR WARRIORS Program! May is Military Appreciation Month


K9s For Warriors LogoAmerican Press Travel News – May 18th,- Bob and Barb “On The Road Again” at the Global Pet Expo., in Orlando’s Orange County, Convention Center- We headed up on the first day of this event to listen to a presentation of how and why Bayer expanded its partnership with K9s for Warriors. K9s For Warriors is the only non profit service dog organization for veterans suffering with post traumatic stress disorder (PSSD) for post-911 veterans.  They pair specially trained service dogs with the veteran. The veteran is required to live and train for 120-hours on-site with their service dogs and certified dog trainers, before going home. This program has reported 100-percent success rate in suicide prevention for its graduates. <>
Bryan Folz, pictured with his Service Dog Dell, a recent graduate, said that “the program delivers the compassion and second chances for veterans shelter dogs alike.” Dell saved my life and now I can focus on taking care of Dell. Thank you, thank you to all the Veterinarians, pet retailers, who have participated nationwide for helping us heal from debilitating disorders like PTSD each and every day.”

This is truly a lifeline for these warriors. Until now, the veteran had to be able to afford all the expenses for the dog. Many veterans were shut out of the program due to the expense. Today, Bayer announced that they have partnered with veterinary clinics for a free health and wellness plan and pet retailers to curtail the expense of keeping veterans with their dog.  The Global Pet Expo was the second largest pet event in the world, only eclipsed by the Expo in Nuremberg, Germany. There were appx. 3012 booths spread out over 1-million square feet and taken up by 1087 exhibitors. Before the end of the conference there were more than 6000-buyers at the show and a large contingent of press enjoyed the hospitality of sponsors such as Bayer and others.  For more information contact: and


5 of Some of My Favorite Exhibitors at The Global Pet Expo

APtravelnews-March 20th,-Bob and Barb “On The Road Again” at Global Pet Expo. The images are just a very few of my favorite exhibitors at the Global Pet Expo. NOTE*All vendors visited will be featured over the next week with full postings!!


Creative Pet Group is a trusted family business that provide high quality products for discerning pet owners. Owners that always seek the best for their pets that are also so much a part of their families. 3-brands such as Pet In a Bag, Creative pet Group and Clean Kitty!
Terry loves his new bed!!
Terry loves his new bed!!
A quick, simple and reliable method for us pet parents to monitor the general wellness of our cats or dogs through at home urine testing. [email protected]
Wear your dogs image on your socks! What a great gift to yourself or your pet owner friends!
Wear your dogs image on your socks! What a great gift to yourself or your pet owner friends! A cool Vermont company at Wheel House Novelty Socks all American made go: 1-800-252-4245
Your Pet health maintenance is crucial just as your is! This product is a very good way to check Up on your dog or cats health before you ever have to go to a veterinarian!
Your Pet health maintenance is crucial just as your is! This product is a very good way to check Up on your dog or cats health before you ever have to go to a veterinarian!
My Terry getting outfitted for the cycle, or 100-mph bass boat!
My Terry getting outfitted for the cycle, or 100-mph bass boat!
Harness Lead, LCC has an entire assembly of escape proof, pull reduction leads that allows for tightening and preventing a dog from backing out & it reduces pull for a comfortable, safe walk lead. A full story is forthcoming!