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Tag Archives: bursitis

Memphis To Hold the Annual Southern Women’s Show & Click-It Hot Will Be There Too!

A representation of some of the Click-It Hot products you'll see at the show! These are for medical and sports use!
A representation of some of the Click-It Hot products you’ll see at the show! These are for medical and sports use!

APnewproducts–Feb. 13th, –From Click-It Hot: Ronnie Marshall, who will be at the Annual Southern Women’s Show in Memphis, Tennessee: Ronnie says if you mention that you saw this on Face book, you will receive a free hand warmer with any purchase. Just come by, say “hi” and Click-It Hot 130-degrees in less than 5-seconds. OK! So come Click-It with us at the 25th Annual Southern Women’s Show in Memphis March 13-15 at the Agricenter.  Our space number is WP135 For more information on Click-It Hot go   Visit for more information on the show.  We all hope to see you there for a very good time!