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Tag Archives: boating in Biscayne Bay

Mid Week Images To Remember

Taken just before Hurricane Andrew struck!
Taken just before Hurricane Andrew struck Biscayne Bay!
This 100-pound grouper was brought up from 200-feet off of Mexico on the boat Catch-22. No its not a Goliath Grouper!
This 100-pound grouper was brought up from 200-feet off of Mexico on the boat Catch-22. No its not a Goliath Grouper!
The way it used to be! Joe Brooks image! From my book: History of Fishing The Florida Keys!
The way it used to be! Joe Brooks image! From my book: History of Fishing The Florida Keys!
NUTS! In the Arctic!
NUTS! In the Arctic!
Great entry way to a B n B!
Great entry way to a B n B!