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Tag Archives: bears

Kodiak Island, AK, Check Them Out

AmericanPressTravelNews–Working on article  for Fish Kodiak Adventures.  (see images and check out their website) Working on article on this family and their fishing business.

Alaska’s Greatest Outdoor Legends “Colorful Characters Who Built The Fishing and Hunting Industries”

P1070359AmericanPressTravelNews-August 12th,-Goose Holler’Farm, TN.-When my friend Doug Kelly sent me his new book; Alaska’s Greatest Outdoor Legends, I had already known that he had spent some time in my favorite fishing and wildlife state, but did not know he was working on this neat, informative book. After reading most of it, I realized he had a lot of help from all manner of agencies and guides who wanted to assist Kelly in putting together the facts and the real story of so many of the rightfully called legends of Alaska’s great outdoors! You won’t find this information on any of the fine outdoor channels, however, I am able to tell you that the book is worth the price and the “read.” Digging into the lives of real outdoorsmen and women of Alaska from the 1870’s to modern times would take a ton of research and Kelly did this for you/us! Go for it! It was published by the University of Alaska Press in Fairbanks.P1070360

Sunday Images for Relaxation and Musing!

Where we all would like to be in the summertime, eh? The Catskill Mountains!
Where we all would like to be in the summertime, eh? The Catskill Mountains!
Almost like a fairy tale!
Almost like a fairy tale!
Minnesota in July! Great walleye and small mouth at Bear Big Lake!
Minnesota in July! Great walleye and small mouth at Bear Big Lake!
The way it used to be! Joe Brooks image! From my book: History of Fishing The Florida Keys!
The way it used to be! Joe Brooks image! From my book: History of Fishing The Florida Keys!
Yes, this was a wild bear! Peanuts kept it calm, lots of peanuts!
Yes, this was a wild bear! Peanuts kept it calm, lots of peanuts!

Images of the Week!

$22,000, yes, 22-K sold at Lang auction in Kennebunkport, Maine. This rare metal lure was made in 1860's
$22,000, yes, 22-K sold at Lang auction in Kennebunkport, Maine. This rare metal lure was made in 1860’s
At Lu Lu's in Alabama Orange Beach! This is Jimmy Buffets sisters place! Great visit! Fun to be a travel writers!
At Lu Lu’s in Alabama Orange Beach! This is Jimmy Buffets sisters place! Great visit! Fun to be a travel writers!
A tourist trap, no just a shark spider web!
A tourist trap, no just a shark spider web!
One of my many dozens fly fishing classes. This one in Wyoming. My classes are for up to 25 at a time!
One of my many dozens fly fishing classes. This one in Wyoming. My classes are for up to 25 at a time!
My terry and his favorite stuffed toy now chewed to beyond recognition, but no furniture even chipped by him. Best dog I ever made my bro!
My terry and his favorite stuffed toy now chewed to beyond recognition, but no furniture even chipped by him. Best dog I ever made my bro!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!