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Tag Archives: Bantu

New Week, Flashback Images Bob In Africa

Some of the collected during Bob's sojourn in the Congo.
Some of the collected during Bob’s sojourn in the Congo.
Comgolese River lady stopped for a photo opportunity with a smile and a Conglolese Franc.
Congolese River lady stopped for a photo opportunity with a smile and a Franc.
Locals just outside of Stanleyville in the Congo!
Locals just outside of Stanleyville in the Congo! Bob on the left and Dr. Eugene Weiss on the right. Handed off Brownie camera with Agfa B&W film 1962.
Pygmy women and girls in the Ituri Rain Forest in the Congo. A few miles from where we first saw a very wild  gorilla. We stayed and broke "bread" (roast snake) with some members of a family group of Pygmies. I hunted with them too (see story in my book: "Africa on a Pin & a Prayer)."
Pygmy women and girls in the Ituri Rain Forest in the Congo. A few miles from where we first saw a very wild gorilla. We stayed and broke “bread” (roast snake) with some members of a family group of Pygmies. I hunted with them too (see story in my book: “Africa on a Pin & a Prayer).”
Going up, up, up towards the Ituri Rain Forest where Mountain Gorillas and Pygmies lived.
Going up, up, up towards the Ituri Rain Forest where Mountain Gorillas and Pygmies lived.
Monkey meat salesman standing on the road to barter!
Monkey meat salesman standing on the road to barter!