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Tag Archives: aroma

Garlic Can Be and Is a Lifesaver in the Tropics & On the Farm

Garlic a world of goodness!
Garlic a world of goodness!

American Press travel News-May 11th,- Bob and Barb “Stopping to Smell the Roses”  and enjoying the garlic too! Years have past, and thanks to finding out about the properties that garlic offered for keeping me healthy through my trek through Africa and the Congo, unlike my companion, who did not cover himself inside and out with garlic, I’d be dead now, as well. Besides the biting and stinging insects, the foods that were eaten, and the water we drank were infested with all manner of potentially, deadly bacteria, flukes, worms, etc.

By eating garlic 3-times daily, I avoided all of the above, or when ingesting foods and water, the garlic (Allium sativum) nullified the negative effects they may, or would have had on my health. Today, besides adding to the fabulous flavors it imparts on all vegetables, meats, fish and seafood’s, garlic’s health benefits are known down through the ages to the present!

Now, on our farm we, as so many farmers in America and around the world, have taken advantage of using garlic oil, we use it to protect our crops, with the incredible advantages of having no poisons to contaminate our soil and water, no harm to plants, animals and people, not being an insecticide, garlic protects the natural way, its highly effective and offers long-term protection, we put it on our crops early in spring before the insects arrive for best results, pests do not build-up resistance, its harmless to beneficial insects, its odorless in minutes, its tasteless on grapes, apples, or vegetables and making your own costs a whole lot less!  Want seeds? Go: Plant PEP Punch at Orange Avenuse Organic Produce 1030 Orange Ave. Kalona, IA  52247-9791

Note: Without garlic, so many of our dishes would just be plain and bland and our bodies bereft of the great protective abilities that garlic offers! Check out my book; “Africa on a Pin & a Prayer” and read all about garlic and our adventure in the Congo!