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Category Archives: Trade Shows

Huge SHE Expo At Chattanooga Convention Center Starts Tomorrow!

A Click-It Hot for any body part: neck and shoulder, hand and legs, back-anywhere theirs pain or warmth is important as in ice fishing, hunting, boating, birding, etc.
A Click-It Hot for any body part: neck and shoulder, hand and legs, back-anywhere theirs pain or warmth is important as in ice fishing, hunting, boating, birding, etc.

From APtravelnews–July 23rd, Chattanooga, TN.-Click-it Hot Use It Cold wants you to join Nichole Bogner at the 7th Annual SHE Expo! Saturday, July 25 & Sunday, July 26-11 a.m. – 6 p.m. At Chattanooga Convention Center Booth # 515.  

Nichole Bogner will be managing the Click-It Hot Use It Cold booth.. Click-It Hot will be donating 15% of total sales to the families of the victims of the shooting at the Marine recruitment office that happened on the 16th of July in Chattanooga. Please stop by the Click-It Hot booth and assist them in raising funds for the families of this horrible tragedy!

Note* Click-It Hot will be working with Peyton Manning’s effort in fundraising for the new “Heroes Fund” to honor the Marine Recruitment Office shootings!  for additional information contact [email protected]



Porta-Bote Folds to 4-Inches Flat Opens to Fish Deep or Shallow, Big Fish or little!

Oliver Gildersleeve with a fine Michigan Salmon caught off his Porta-Bote.  Photo by Kirsten Gildersleeve

Porta-Bote fully assembled.APtravelnews-June 30th,-Goose Holler’ Farm, Crossville, TN.– I’ve known Sandy Kaye for decades-met him originally at an OWAA Outdoor Writers Association of America conference in Wichita, KS in the 1984. He had a great idea that he turned into what is known by thousands across the USA, Japan and Europe as the “Porta-Bote.” I’ve had two of them (one got eaten by my sons goats in MD., where I stored it in his barn, they ate the edges off of it). The other one was used in the Keys to do my “Big Fish, Small Boat” articles for my column in the Miami Herald and freelance markets. Loved that boat! It had a Tohatsu 6-hp engine and you could stand anywhere in the boat when fly casting. A very stable casting platform. So it was, with much pleasure to meet Sandy’s folks; the Gildersleeves at the OWAA Conference this past weekend in Knoxville, TN. The boat was demonstrated on the TN. River and opened the eyes of many writers and outdoor enthusiasts to the excellence that has gone into this 90-pound craft, that can take 2 or three people comfortably fishing, then when put away, taking only 4-inches of space (picture a Paddle board width) The boat has optional wheels to roll it to the water and take it back to car, SUV or truck-no sweat! You can row it, sail it or power it and it moves along at quite a pace with only a Suzuki 6-hp motor. Today’s Porta-Bote features an easier setup than ever before! The stern opens and closes like a pair of barn doors. They swing out for folding and in for setting up to use. Many features have evolved from the original easy, breezy setup to make it even easier and quicker! Go and check out this terrific boat!

Click-It Hot Will Be at HeroesCon- 2015-June 19th-21st

Click-It Hot in under 5-seconds to 130-degrees! WOW Factor in action!
Every body part can be protected from the cold with these reusable warmers in so many usable and reusable sizes!





Demonstrator units are being used again and again by reconstituting them by boiling!

APtravelnews-New Products and Shows-June 16th,-Charlotte, NC.–Come check out our new exciting, multi-sized, reusable heating and cooling Click It Hot  at HeroesCon. Stop by booth 2117, David Cook and Gary Tanguay will be there on behalf of Click It Hot. They will tell you how you can walk away with a Click-It Hot unit for free.

Whats HeroeCon?  HEROES CONVENTION was founded in 1982 by Shelton Drum, owner of Charlotte’s Heroes Aren’t Hard To Find comics shop. Since then the convention has become famous for its comics-first and family-friendly atmosphere, where fans can mingle directly with professionals and exhibitors. Boasting an incredible guest list built mainly on reputation and goodwill, HeroesCon is known nationwide as a “must” on the summer schedule, drawing fans, exhibitors, and creators from all over the world to the Charlotte Convention Center.

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Click It Hot is at three events this weekend Today and Sunday as Well as May 8th, running through May 17,Click It Hot will have a booth at the Greenville Heritage Fair in Greenville, SC. 

A Click-It Hot for any body part: neck and shoulder, hand and legs, back-anywhere theirs pain or warmth is important as in ice fishing, hunting, boating, birding, etc.
A Click-It Hot for any body part: neck and shoulder, hand and legs, back-anywhere there is pain, or warmth is important as in ice fishing, hunting, boating, birding, etc. and Fairs–May 2nd, Representatives are at the Click-It Hot booth at the Southern Women’s Show in Nashville TN. at the Music City Center, as well as the Ultimate Women’s Show in Atlanta, GA. at the World Congress Center.  

If you get a chance to mention seeing this post on face book, Twitter, Google, Linkedin, or any other social media that picks up our feeds, our personnel at the show will give you a free hand warmer with the purchase of any product on the table. 

In addition to the Nashville and Atlanta shows, Click-It Hot is also at the Anderson County Fair in Anderson, SC.  Note: This is the last weekend for the Fair, so come by the booth in the commercial building and say Hi! to Trevor and the Click It Hot staff.   They would love to demonstrate the great value, Click-It Hot warming and cooling products are for any outdoor sports occasion as well as indoors for medical heating and cooling for a wide array of body pain needs and causes.

Take special note: Beginning May 8th, running through May 17, Click It Hot will have a booth at the Greenville Heritage Fair in Greenville, SC. Trevor will be managing that booth, and he would love to see you there too!  In the meantime go: and check out all the reusable products you can use in so many, many ways!

Barb uses Click-It Hot for any pain she needs warmth for!
Barb uses Click-It Hot for any pain she needs warmth to alleviate or mitigate that pain!