My favorite lures! The original gold plated Al’s Goldfish and their new Living Lures in baitfish living colors, are hooking and holding our backyard neighbors.
APtravelnews- Bob & Barb “Stopping to Smell The Roses” in our backyard images–November 26th, Port St Lucie, FL-OK! I know, goofy about fishing and all things involved in fooling the finicky and the foolhardy gluttons too! I know Largemouth are touted as being finicky feeders, yet i found a lure group that slays them (I carefully release all top predators, bass are in that category) with ease. Just 15-feet from our screen door lanai, down a slightly sloping grass backyard, lies a very large rain holding pond. This 10-acre pond is interconnected with several additional ponds in our private, HOA (hate HOA, except the ponds are protected from unabated, indiscriminate catch and take use) neighborhood. When I want to check out anything I offer it to my dozens of backyard neighbors; Largemouth, giant brim, and the invasive, but fun loving Peacock bass. Of all the many hard and soft lures I’ve tried and had fine success with, nothing has been more consistent in having a neighbor visit their side of the pond mud and weed than by them accepting the invitation I offer with AL’s Goldfish Co. lures. We will also be testing these lures in the Keys with our son and daughter Brian and Diane on our Mako. Stay tuned to see if our old neighbors when we lived in the Keys will come to visit again! For a good look at AL’s Goldfish Co. go:
Barb loves to fish when she has an edge and doesn’t have the whole day to hopefully hook a neighbor with shoulders enough for us to spar with! She has become an Al’s lover too!
My 10-pounder, but I didn’t enter it! I will if there’s a next time!
APtravelnews-November 17th, Port St Lucie, FL, Bob and Barb On the Road Again–This is a copy of The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission news piece.(FWC) just concluded Season 3 of the Trophy Catch citizen-science, conservation rewards program for anglers who catch, document and release largemouth bass greater than 8 pounds. One angler caught the biggest bass in three seasons and, for the first time, a woman joins the ranks of Hall of Fame winners in a big way. Now it is time to celebrate. FWC staff will honor the 15 lucky anglers who entered a total of 17 Hall of Fame bass weighing more than 13 pounds each at a ceremony Dec. 11 at 5:30 p.m. in Bass Pro Shops in Orlando.
Hall of Fame anglers receive a free fiberglass replica of their first catch prepared by New Wave Taxidermy, gift cards from Bass Pro Shops, a SpiderWire sweatshirt and sunglasses, a Fitzgerald rod and Glen Lau DVD. They also receive 10 extra chances to win a Phoenix Bass Boat with a Mercury outboard and Power-Pole anchoring system in a random drawing of all TrophyCatch registrants. Every angler who registers for TrophyCatch, whether he or she submitted a fish or not, is entered for one chance to win the TrophyCatch Phoenix Bass Boat. The drawing is typically in November and the boat given away in December.
Bass Pro Shops, host of the event, is a major sponsor of TrophyCatch ( and awards gift cards for each of the three club levels: The Lunker Club (8.0-9.9 pounds; $100), The Trophy Club (10.0-12.9 pounds; $150) and the Hall-of-Fame Club (greater than 13 pounds; $200). TrophyCatch requires each bass to be legally caught and released after photographing the entire bass (head to tail) on a scale.
Tom Champeau, director of the FWC’s Division of Freshwater Fisheries Management, will be at the event with KP Clements, TrophyCatch director, to present the rewards.
“TrophyCatch is providing FWC biologists with important scientific information to better manage Florida’s valuable freshwater fisheries,” Champeau said. “It is a great example of citizen-science supported by corporate partners to ensure that Florida remains the ‘Fishing Capital of the World.’”
Keith Allen from the American Outdoors Fund will award the angler who caught the heaviest verified bass of Season 3 with the TrophyCatch Championship ring. Seth Chapman caught a 15-pound, 11-ounce bass last March from Kingsley Lake, Clay County, to claim not only the largest bass this season but for all three seasons. Former season winners include Bob Williams, Season 1, and Brooks Morrell, Season 2.
Porschia Gabrielse is TrophyCatch’s first female Hall of Fame winner. She did it in style with her largest verified bass weighing 15 pounds, 3 ounces. It was just one of three Hall of Fame entries she submitted. She is now the overall leader with 41 approved submissions.
Other anglers with bass over 15 pounds this season included Len Andrews, George Smock and George Canova. Among the 15 Hall of Famers, four of them are out-of-state residents, emphasizing how important recreational fishing is to tourism.
Join the FWC Dec. 11 to celebrate these great anglers and their willingness to provide important data to FWC for conservation and releasing what for many would be a catch of a lifetime. Also “Like” us at to see more about each of these anglers and the latest TrophyCatches as well as to learn who the finalists are for this year’s random Phoenix boat drawing and to learn when and where the boat will be given away. Subscribe to to check out past winners and be notified when the new winners’ videos are posted.
My 24-inch brown (only hookup in high water) caught in W. Virginia 100-foot wide stream. Hooked me under a tree limb, but he was mine to photo and release. Got a special technique to get a fish out of cover!
APtravelnews- Forwarding on this important news piece from ASA–Alexandria, VA – November 12, 2015 – The American Sportfishing Association (ASA) and the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) announced today a partnership in which NMMA will produce a new Marine Accessories Pavilion located within the International Convention of Allied Sportfishing Trades, better known as ICAST. ICAST will be held July 12-15, 2016, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.
NMMA’s new Marine Accessories Pavilion highlights the importance of boating accessories to the world’s largest recreational fishing trade show, which also includes a co-location with the International Fly Tackle Dealer Show, known as IFTD.
4 different solid steel movable target sets. Easy breezy to set up in a few moments.
APtravelnews-New Products- November 12th, Goose Holler Farm-Bob and Barb “On the Road Again”-At the recent SEOPA Writers Conference in AL. we found a few items that we just felt our readers should know about. We really like the 4-different targets from Birchwood Casey excellent for use with .22 rimfire rifles and handguns. I did a bit of shooting with my .22 to check sighting-in my new scope. It was fun to see the Gallery, Little Rattler, Sidewinder and Qualifier models perform simply and wonderfully, showing me each “hit” and a few misses too, of course by the sound of the hit and the rotation of the targets that danced nicely to the .22 hits.