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Category Archives: Outdoor Florida Magazine

FITEYEZ Eye Fitness Gummies 11Essential Ocular Nutrient Must Have’s

November 4th, 2021, Crossville, TN.—During an interview with Dr. Adam Cherry, a certified Optometrist, we discussed a new product, that was recently launched called “FITEYEZ.” After doing some research about these eye fitness gummies which incorporates the major vitamins and elements necessary for feeding the eyes for maximum health and fitness. The claim by the FITEYEZ group of professional optometrists and opthamologists, that have more than 200-years of eye care experience, is that this is the one, and only gummy on the market, that delivers the 11 essential nutrients designed to improve the health of your eyes. This easy to take, tasty, chewy gummy, already is appealing to all ages.  

As outdoor communicators, we should realize that having gone from the radio to TV to video, and then the home and laptop computer, and all our electronic gear, we are straining on our eyes, as never before in history. health now needs solidly researched supplements to keep the body as healthy as possible. These gummy vitamins carried in a tasty, delicious, free of artificial bonding agents, addresses the eyes and a whole lot more for every person that will take them. Afterall, feeding the eyes will acrue to huge health benefits.  

Here, is an innovative supplement that addresses for everyone the prevention and risk management solution.  It should be a  “given”; fit and at optimum levels of strength and health is what we all aspire to.  But, given that all that was, isn’t anymore, diets have turned to foods, mostly bereft of many of the healthy vitamins and minerals, so necessary to all of us, and then adding in the computer generation, where eyes today have never been strained to exhaustion, and even damaging pain from radiation and light abuse.  


Delicious, chewable gummies loaded with 11 essential nutrients, designed to improve the health of your eyes. Fit Eyez™ are made of a proprietary blend of ingredients, formulated by a team of board-certified optometrists and ophthalmologists dedicated to keeping America’s and worlds eyes fit!   It cannot be emphasized more, that due to the fast pace of today’s society, many of us are lacking many of the essential nutrients that our bodies need to stay healthy. The Fit Eyez™ gummies fill the gap between what your eyes need and what is lacking in your diet.

 ABOUT FIT EYEZ™WHO IS FIT EYEZ™ FOR, and what are the benefits?

FITEYEZ Gummies helps in the following areas:  Blue Light Protection, Reduces the Risk of Glaucoma, Delays Cataracts, Reduces Eye Strain, Reduces the risk of Macular Degeneration, reduces dry eye, Increases blood flow, Improves cognitive function, for children, adolescents, and adults and seniors.

Up from just 32-million in 2018, today there are 43-million people with blindness, globally, according to The Internalional Agency for the Prevention of Blindness, and, 295- million people living with

 moderate-to-severe visual impairment. In the USA, 12-million people 40 years and over have vision impairment, including 1-million who are blind, 3-million who have vision impairment after correction, and 88-million who have vision impairment due to uncorrected, refractive error. The numbers are predicted to more than double by 2050, due to increasing epidemics of diabetes and other unchecked chronic diseases, eye stresses due to technological visual breakthroughs, and rapidly aging U.S population.

Today, children under 18 have diagnosed eye and vision conditions, including blindness, and major and minor visual impairments, defined as having trouble seeing even when wearing glasses, or contact lenses. An estimated 93 million adults in the USA are now at high risk for serious vision loss, but only half that many have visited an eye doctor in the past year. So, summing up: Vision disability is one of the top 10 disabilities among adults, 18-years and older one of the most prevalent, disabling conditions among children. So do we need FITEYEZ, you bet we do!

Check out have a look-see yourself, why there is much excitement in the professional optometrical circles.

 Please address code Terry123 when ordering FITEYEZ, for free shipping A single pack is $29.99 and a double pack is $54.98


Tesla Really Hit It Out of the Box

American Press Travel News–May 11,—My neighbor took me for a ride in his new Tesla. Must say, I felt like I was in a spaceship of the future. I believe I actually was. There is no reason for gas anymore. Car did 60-mph in less than 4-seconds, it stopped itself at a stop sign, from a restaurant, if it was raining or any other reason you press a button, the car retrieves itself from its parking spot and come directly to the car owner. Sound system was amazing and it only needs to be charged (will change soon to 1000 miles before it needs to be fully recharged in 30-minutes, this car goes 350-miles between charges. Talk about smooth and quiet. Except for best sound system in any vehicle, the car is totally silent. NOTE: MORE TO COME!!!



Ristorante Corleone Italian Steakhouse and Seafood

Barb in waiting after ordering our meals at Ristorante Corleone.
Fresh made squid frito’s. Not frozen Cisco deliveries.

American Press Travel News-Bob and Barb-“On the Road Again”–May 5th, 2021—This time. stopping at Ristorante Corleone Italian Steakhouse and Seafood. We met Chef and Owner Luca Fontanarosa. He was born and raised in Catania, Sicily (Italy) We ate very well, on delicious fruits of the sea at this Island in PSL. 

We noticed the great large portioned dishes at the diners tables, as we entered. We whet our appetite with crab cakes (yes, just like in Italy, too) fried Calamari, with a dipping sauce extraordinary, and a bottle of Pellegrino, next to very tasty garlic breads. Next came our main dishes. Barb wanted salmon in butter and lemon sauce, it was such a big portion, that we ate it again for lunch, the next day. It came with a great al dente spaghetti side dish. I had a favorite, but done even better than I remembered “Zuppa Di Pesce”, a seafood stew for those that don’t know “Zuppe.” clams, shrimp, mussels, were simmered in a sauce that truly showed the chefs understanding of great flavors. We topped off this fine meal with Cappuccino coffee’s, Tiramisu Ceciliani, and Cannoli’s.  This meal was best ever for Italian cuisine on the Treasure Coast. The room is not gigantic, its nice, and almost intimate, so reservations would be smart.  Call (772)-323-0355. Don’t fret, there is plenty of free parking, and easy access to 8621 S. Federal Hwy. Port St Lucie. On a scale of 1-10, we offer an 11.

Tiramisu and cannoli’s. The best!!




Crab Cakes with real crab, not phony pressed red streaked, molded ground fish,





Salmon with lemon capers
Zuppe di Pesce, best I ever had!!!



Italian Restaurant Tutto Fresco (All Fresh) An Authentic Italian Cuisine and Event Happening!

My wife Barb and my youngest son, Brian (Captain Key Largo, thoroughly enjoyed their meals as I did. I tasted everyone’s meal and decided to take home the leftovers. The food was that good!

Garlic a world of goodness! And, Tutto Fresco knows how to employ that goodness!

American Press Travel News-March 5th, Port St Lucie, FL.-“Bob & Barb On the Road Again”-this time stopping at Tutto Fresco (All Fresh) Italian restaurant–Barb, my son Captain Key Largo, Brian and I really enjoyed wonderful Italian Cuisine at Tutto Fresco, not just amazingly good pizza, but dishes such as shrimp and fettucine, chicken Francese, Chicken Parmesan, soups and a really tasty Caesar salads. The accompanying pastas were definitely al dente,  garlic breads to make you salivate and a large menu of  Florida and local artisan beers. We topped our meals off with Espresso, Cappuccino and regular coffee that tasted better than any Starbucks blends, to go with our real Italian Cannoli’s. Everything about this restaurant said; “real Italian cuisine, in great comfort and safety.” Next time we will pizza-binge!

Tutto Fresco caters and you can eat out or in. They also offer free delivery to Port St Lucie residents. Phone is 772-464-8988. They are located at 9501 Brandywine Lane, Port St Lucie, FL.