Stuart, Florida’s Importico’s Bakery Cafe, A Treat to Remember
APtravelnews-Stuart, FL.-Feb. 29th,-Bob and Barb on The Road Again and Stopping to Smell the Goat Cheese!! We stopped in this morning and had some Kenya and also Colombian brewed coffee. The aroma made me swoon, Barb was lovin’ it too! We ordered quiche for breakfast I ordered goat cheese and Italian dried tomato and Barb ordered mushroom and asparagus. Along with fresh cut tomato slices and baguettes the order and accompaniments were generous in size, flavor and enticement of all the senses one often takes for granted. We really loved our breakfast, so as it was generous, we boxed half and then dove into an almond tart and a fruit tart-wowzer, wowzer!!!! Barb and I love great breakfasts and if you visit 555 S. Colorada, Ave. Stuart, FL. 34994 (there are two other locations, 1 in stuart and another in Fort Pierce, Stay tuned for more information on them) visit their website: but more important to enjoy a true and excellent bakery full of so many great items, go for a drive and a taste!!
Riverboat Cruises In Jensen Beach, FL. Enjoyed by All Aboard
APtravelnews-Feb. 26th,-Jensen Beach, FL. Bob and Barb on the Intracoastal Waterway on a paddleboat! We had a great time on a Riverboat Cruise, ate a fine lunch and met folks from Kent, England, Montreal, Canada and Pennsylvania. So, we wanted to tell all my readers all about it!
The dolphin were rolling, and they were on to a smorgasbord of mullet, to the WOW’s of the 20 or so folks on the 3-hour riverboat lunch cruise. The Riverboat Cruises Paddle Wheeler was a safe and comfortable platform, Captained by Tommy Pearson and assisted by his family and friends. We met Mike Malone, a photographer for 20-years, who took your picture as you entered the boat and later sold it all framed-up and edited, to the customer-cruisers.
This cruise experience was comfortable, we barely noticed a rocking motion except for a few passing boats that slightly caused a wake push on our boat. Captain Tommy told us where the “real McCoy” (original owner of Sowell’s Point property) comment came from. Seems this guy, Philip McCoy, during rum runner days of prohibition brought in rum from the Bahamas. He, although so many other booze pushers watered down their bottles of rum, never did this. He sold the real thing always and was trusted to do this, thus the term “Real McCoy” was born and some other companies asked him if they could use his name on their real unadulterated booze too! So much history, so much water down the river here!
Do we recommend this tour, you bet we do! The Riverboat Cruises departs from downtown Jensen Beach across from Mulligans at 3281 NE Indian River Drive Jensen Beach, FL 34957 You get an all you can eat lunch or dinner buffet, dinner dances with a DJ music man, all while enjoying a 3-hour cruise on the beautiful St. Lucie and Indian Rivers. Wine and beer or cocktails are available too! The Captain and crew are very friendly! The prices are very reasonable as well! We like that. You can book online @ or call 772-678-1176
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