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Category Archives: Outdoor Florida Magazine

Innovet Creative Solutions – Happy Pets – Products for the Health and Welfare of Your Dog


P1070073American Press Travel News – From Global Pet Expo, May 15th, when at the Orange County Convention Center we checked out the Innovet line of pet products. They carry a line of  items that every dog owner should use, especially in  an emergency situation. This company offers an item that should be kept on hand ,should your dog eats a toxic substance. They have a syringe that you use to induce vomiting in your dog. Hopefully, your pooch has never eaten anything bad for it, but we know they do, especially when they are puppies! The syringe system can have be an immediate response to clearing their system of anything harmful in their stomachs.

Other products include ear and eye wipes. Very easy to use on a daily basis or you can use PurEyes. This product eliminates unsightly tear and saliva stains. It is sting free, contains no antibiotics, no peroxides, no sulfates and no alcohol. It does contain chamomile and aloe vera. Aloe is a wonderful, well known natural product.

Keeping your dogs teeth can be a difficult routine.  PurBreath makes it easy. This product brightens teeth and freshens breath, helps to remove plaque and tartar, promotes healthy gums. You do not need a tooth brush.  It’s is very easy to use.

Cleaning a dogs ears can be a major project.  With PurOtic, it makes the job easy. The application that goes directly into the ear. It breaks up the wax. Anti-inflamatory. Made with anti-septic botanical oils, alcohol and its sulfate free, and eliminates odors.

BioPel is a natural defense pet spray. Safe to use around your pets bedding and furniture. Has a fresh lemon scentFor more information – check out the website: www.Innovetpet.comP1070074



Treat Your Pets to All Natural Pet Alaska Products from Alaska Naturals Pet

A few of their fine products that Terry has been doing very well with!

American Press Travel News – May 15th, New Products reviewed by Bob & Barb “On The Road Again.” The following products were tested after finding them at the Global Pet Expo, at Orange Convention Center in Orlando, FL.: Alaska Naturals Pet Products offers various natural  pet additives from Alaska for the health of Fido. All natural ingredients, with no chemical preservatives, no synthetic flavoring and no artificial coloring. Their products provide important source of omega-3, essential fatty acids, EPA and DDNA for healthy skin and coat. Also these additives promotes a strong immune, cardiovascular and nervous system.

Three of their best dog products includes wild salmon oil, wild Pollock oil and their hip & joint, wild salmon gel with gluccosamine. Our Terry, now 12-years old, has been using these products, and we’ve noticed that he has a lot more energy, and his limp seems to have gone away. He also loves their wild crunchy treats.

Millions of dogs as they get older have issues with their hips and joints! This natural product with Glucosomine really helps them out!

Take a look at their



Peace River Seafood & Crab Shack Local Seafoods and Fish

Peace River Seafood & Crab Shack where writers who travel on their stomachs "know" they've gone to heaven!
Peace River Seafood & Crab Shack where writers who travel on their stomachs “know” they’ve gone to heaven!

American Press Travel News-Bob and Barb May 1st,–Punta Gorda, FL.--Lunch time and all was well with our world! We found the place to quench our fire-lust to go hard on soft-shelled crabs, chew on fresh, firm shrimp, eat a piece of fish that no one had to make excuses for, and slide some lobster bites past a very excited palate on the way to a happy belly! We had a Corona, good chat, appetizers of Calamari with aeoli, and really enjoyed our al fresco meal and beautiful servers, friendly attitudes, both men and women. Great place to “go seafood” all the way-no excuses-

Everything was perfect here!!!!!!!call em at:  941-505-8440

Shrimp Creole was a bit beyond great!
Shrimp Creole was a bit beyond great!
Soft shell crabs when done correctly and are eminently fresh can’t be beat!
Barb said, don't worry if you forgot your wallet. There's plenty of money hanging on the walls!
Barb said, don’t worry if you forgot your wallet. There’s plenty of money hanging on the walls!
Delicious lobster bites, best appetizer ever!

The Worden farm in Punta Gorda, FL.; A Testament to Earth-Living with Knowledge & Passion


The Worden’s: Specialists in making things grow organically! Experts in making great friends and neighbors. Experts in feeding thousands with fresh, healthy produce!

APtravelnews-Punta Gorda, FL. April 22nd, Bob and Barb “Stopping to Smell the Roses, Sunflowers and gathering organic produce. It can really come together for the residents of a community, when truly dedicated, knowledgeable, people and earth caring folks move into their neighborhood. One of the high-benefits of being a travel communicator is that occasionally, you meet a person or a couple who really are deeply immersed into what they do, and do it “well.” The husband and wife team of Chris Worden, Ph.D and wife Eva Worden, Ph.D are the Co-Founders of the organic Worden Farm. Eva said she and her husband bought approximately, 80-acres in 2003 and put their education and training into the realm of reality through a community supported agriculture (CSA) farm membership program (we met several of the thousands of people that have been faithful students of the Worden’s at the weekly market for members, and there was a lot of love and respect in the air).

The workshops, farm tours, university courses, conferences and community greening projects within the United States and internationally, are hallmarks in the lives of the Worden’s, and the thousands who have learned how to create and respect their own agricultural organic plots, as well! The joy we felt, and the drive and engagement of the Worden’s and helpers, were able to be seen reflected in the faces of the many folks who came to pick out their vegetables for their part of their farm membership. Farmers markets and their (CSA) farm membership program, has become a healthy and integral part of the Punta Gorda and surrounding communities. Check the Worden Farm out at