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Category Archives: Outdoor Florida Magazine

Team Bob and Barb Tasked to Update Their Popular, Sold Out Book: “The Best Restaurants in the Florida Keys.”

Little Palm Island paradise! Barb and a Margarita libation, with a pastel sunset!
Little Palm Island paradise!
Barb and a Margarita libation, with a pastel sunset!

AmericanPressTravelNews-Sept. 23rd, Florida Keys–Bob and Barb “On the Road again?” Yes, we are booked to do an updated book of our original sold-out book: “The Best Restaurants in the Florida Keys.” The first book reviewed 60-Florida Keys restaurants, many still in business, some not since the 1980’s. The book had distinctly tropical recipes, comments on each page by charter captains about their favorite restaurants and dishes, collected articles from my column in the Miami Herald, and many of my own recipes one of which is being served in many restaurants across the country; “Fish Pizzaiole.”  There have been nearly 100-new restaurants opened in the Keys since the 1980’s and Bob and Barb have been tasked to include them in the new book while updating all the original food emporiums they visited and tasted. This book will be hard-cover, full-color, and with an expanded Keys recipe section from the best of the best in the Keys! 

For an original signed copy of the last 25 books I have held on to, contact Bob Epstein 772-812-0933 or [email protected]


This resort and restaurant is no longer open to the public. It is now part of the City of Islamorada's outdoor venues for residents and visitors.
This resort and restaurant is no longer open to the public. It is now part of the City of Islamorada’s outdoor venues for residents and visitors.

All Things Grape at the Grape Discovery Center in Westfield, New York Near Lake Erie

This is the place to find local wineries
This is the place to find local wineries -September 15,-Lake Erie, N.Y.-Love Concord grapes, so we just had to visit “The Grape Discovery Center”. The Lake Erie Grape Discovery Center is the official Visitor’s Center for New York State, Lake Erie Concord Grape Belt Heritage Area. It is about all things, but especially the Grape!

Enjoyed their tasting bar which has a selection of wines and grape juice from local wineries.We browsed through the Discovery Center which is both informational and hands on information. and and found the gift shop had a beautiful selection of locally made crafts. They had a tasting of local dipping oils and sauces. Once we tried them, just had to take some home. This is a great place for your first stop if you want to pick up information on local wineries. Not only do they have the information. but they will direct you to the place that is best for your travel destinations.

Lake Erie Country is the Concord Grape Belt Stretching over 60 miles along the Lake Erie Plain, the Concord Grape Belt was formed by the advance and retreat of glacial ice more tn am 12,000 years ago. The conditions for grape growing -viticulture -are so perfect that the Lake Erie Concord Grape Belt, "America's Grape Country,"is the largest Grape Growing region in the world.
Lake Erie Country is the Concord Grape Belt Stretching over 60 miles along the Lake Erie Plain, the Concord Grape Belt was formed by the advance and retreat of glacial ice more tn am 12,000 years ago. The conditions for grape growing -viticulture -are so perfect that the Lake Erie Concord Grape Belt, “America’s Grape Country,”is the largest Grape Growing region in the world.
You will learn all about grapes at the interactive discovery center
You will learn all about grapes at the interactive discovery center.

For information either call: (716) 326-2003 or take a look at the website:


The Pocket Shot, Here’s the Evolution of the Slingshot

Pulling on the bottom of the pouch with a steel ball in the bottom between your fingers allows for a powerful, impactful release of up to 350-feet per second!
Pulling on the bottom of the pouch with a steel ball in the bottom between your fingers, allows for a powerful, impactful release of up to 350-feet per second!


The six inch package comes with a bag of 100-steel balls, 3 pull-pocket shot rubber units, instructions, and shot bracket, bag holder. Included also are two more replacement units of different power pull strengths.
The six inch package comes with a bag of 100-steel balls, 3 pull-pocket shot rubber units, instructions, and shot bracket, bag holder. Included also are two more replacement units of different power pull strengths.

AmericanPressTravelNews-August 15th,-Goose Holler’ Farm, TN.—I have to admit when I received the new Pocket Shot; a “Made In America” new kind of slingshot, I was skeptical of how accurate and powerful it could be. That’s until I placed one of the included ¼ ounce steel balls in the pouch, pulled back on the rubber pouch, and whacked a soda can with it from 30-feet away. I didn’t pull back very hard, but I hit that can and really put a dent in it! Used correctly and easily you can send one of these little steel balls up to 350 feet per second-that’s hitting power in anyone’s book! I believe that this could be a great back-packers shooter, and no question with a bit of practice you can take out a variety of small game and birds. Check out their website at