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Category Archives: Outdoor Florida Magazine

Historic Boone Tavern Hotel & Restaurant at Berea College -Southern Hospitality At It Finest

Barb about to enter the vintage as well as newly remodeled Historic Boone Tavern Hotel & restaurant at Berea College in Berea, KY.
Barb about to enter the vintage as well as newly remodeled Historic Boone Tavern Hotel & restaurant at Berea College in Berea, KY.
Tim Glotzbach, Director of the Student Crafts Program showing a student made turned giant bowl.

WWW.AMERICANPRESSTRAVELNEWS.COM – Jan 25th, Berea College, KY.-Bob & Barb “On the Road Again” and “Stopping to Smell the Roses,  We dined at the Historic Boone Tavern Restaurant, a place to to enjoy traditional and modern offerings of excellent cuisine, libations and a feeling that you’ve come home to family. Don’t remember when I felt this way before on any writing assignment, needing to researching the essences of a “place in time and space.” Berea founded in 1885 started and has grown to be a college of highly respected by it’s Alumni, professors, college staff, especially students and their families and friends. We spent two nights at Historic Boone Tavern Hotel and Restaurant. We visited all their crafts departments, ate dinner at their restaurant, met and interviewed students, instructors, the 500-acre farm Director, ate and purchased the makings of what has become a century old tradition of “Spoon Bread” with all or almost all ingredients produced on their working student operated farm. I guess what really shone through throughout our stay and experiences was the deep respect for the work ethic and cooperative nature of the peoples that made up the “Berea Experience.” Today Berea is know as the “Crafts Capital of Kentucky” and for very good reason, crafts in woodworking, pottery, broom making, farm-craft among others, are taught, created and sold in the many crafts shop both in Berea, state and nationwide.

chicken flakes in a Bird Nest closeup
Chicken Flakes in a Birds Nest
birds nest being served by Maitre De
Maitre de brought us some of our dishes!!

We settled in comfortably in a great King bed, bath and beyond, and were spoiled rotten at the Tavern. Our waiter (student) brought us our Fried Green Tomato Salad, out of their farm gardens, a traditional dish offered here for many decades-” Chicken Flakes in a Birds Nest”and Barb’s opted for glazed salmon. We had a Bourbon, local wine, and a real Mint Julep, all KY. style. The special Souffle’ like Spoon Bread was fantastic and has been served here for more than 70-years, an Appalachian traditional recipe.
We finished, or they finished us off with a Pecan Pie with crust steeped in chocolate and a Caramel swirl and a nice big square of bread pudding. We slowly walked out for a longer walk around the block before heading up to our room for some hot showers. Go to Berea, visit the school and all its craft programs, stay at the Historic Boone Tavern, get spoiled at lunch or dinner, talk to some of the students, stop by at the nearby Kentucky Artisan Center to make a hand-made craft of a lifetime. I promise you will come away wishing as we did, to have gone to school there yourself.

Weavers ply their crafts at Berea's new Incubator strip!
Weavers ply their crafts at Berea’s new Incubator strip!
Pecan pie at the Tavern!
Pecan pie at the Tavern!
barb and salmon dinner
Salmon en glace’ Barb loved it, I did too!

Shurhold Yacht-Brite Serious Shine Professional Grade Spray Polisher

20161105_162950AmericanPressTravelNews-Nov.-5th-FL. Keys-Bob & Barb “On The Road Again” and this time; “Stopping to Sample the Seafood.” While in the Upper Keys we just tried a neat new product on our Nissan Rogue and BrIan’s Mako fishing boat. WOW! just sprayed it on, and on both vehicle n boat, it one -stepped cleaned, polished and based on what we see; is a true protectant. The product cleans all solid surfaces and works great on vinyl, fiberglass, metal hardware, plastic, glass and rubber. No residue and it leaves a superslick surface that sheds water better than any duck.

This Serious Shine product has UV inhibitors and anti-static properties so lots of things that cling to your surfaces, don’t .

Check it out at:












Speed Concealed Carry Pistol Shirt by VERTX Designed 37.5 Relative Humidity for Best Comfort & Enhanced Action

Smart and comfortable and I can absolutely conceal my weapon-tool!
Smart and comfortable and I can absolutely conceal my weapon-too!

AmericanPressTravelNews-October 7th,-Bob reporting that these New Products for gun owners really work wonderfully for their designed uses.When I picked up this shirt (available in long or short sleeves and other color patterns)  and put it on, I immediately noticed that this was no ordinary piece of wearing apparel. It is a seriously woven piece of specialized, yet totally comfortable shirt with several innovations and uses. Two multi-purpose, reinforced zippered pockets that can be used to conceal your pistol, even the buttons on the shirt are snaps, but with button simulated snaps heads that actually conceal the real purpose of what this shirt is all about.  There are also snaps on the sleeves so you can roll them up and have your forearm free as if you wore a short sleeve model. The technology here is in, and discussed as the 37.5 factor, which is the core body temperature at which you feel most comfortable. The technology uses millions of particles to capture and release moisture vapor-helping you zone in on a personal micro-climate of an ideal relative humidity and core body temperature. 37.5 active particles are naturally derived with zero harsh chemicals to irritate the skin. The product dries up to 5-times faster than similar clothing cutting down on wet cling. The technology is permanent and never washes out or degrades.

Personally, I love this shirt. Not only can I comfortably wear a high quality, comfortable shirt, but I can easily conceal my pistol and only I know where it is and how really fast I could deploy my weapon if ever necessary.  Go for more information and to order your great shirt too! Also check out  for checking out all the science and micro-diagrams of this shirts makeup. 

Totally conceal your weapon in a comfortable long or short sleeve high quality engineered shirt.
Totally conceal your weapon in a comfortable long or short sleeve high quality engineered shirt.