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Category Archives: Outdoor Florida Magazine

What the Heck is a Sea Horse?

Philippine Seahorse                                    American Press Travel News–11/20/17–“The Seahorse is the name given to 54 species of small marine fishes in the genus Hippocampus. “Hippocampus” comes from the Ancient Greek word hippos (ἵπποςhíppos) meaning “horse” and kampos (κάμποςkámpos) meaning “sea monster”. “The word “seahorse” can also be written as two separate words (sea horse), or hyphenated (sea-horse). Having a head and neck suggestive of a horse, seahorses also feature segmented bony armor, an upright posture and a curled prehensile tail. The above was from Wikipedia, below is from me:  They really are a fish, but their characteristics are weird. A horse-like head, a monkey like prehensile tail, a pouch like a Kangaroo, a bony exo-skeleton like insects, independently moving eyes like a lizard, etc. They are carnivores and like their cousins the Pipe fish, are the only critters where the males exclusively care for their eggs after fertilization and they bear their young. They taste bad and although they move rather slowly and are specialists in camoflage they are not gone after as food from bigger sea animals and fishes. Frankly, I, as so many aquarium enthusiasts are intrigued by these amazing animals.  

Pictures of the Week

American Press travel News–11/17/17—-FL.-Bob & Barb “On the Road Again” and “Stopping to Smell the Roses.” Dining and fishing around our great country!

Jose Wejebe was a wonderful guy and angler. He is gone now in a plane crash and the young man in his teens is also gone now. He succumbed to CF.

Country Inn & Suites By Carlton, Port Charlotte, FL.–Nov. 5th,-Port Charlotte, FL. Host hotel: Country Inn & Suites By Carlton.- Bob and Barb, on assignment. The project: learning about, photographing and writing a national article about a brand new, first ever, large, yet homey-friendly Solar Town. A town sprouted after 7-years of planning, and just two years of witnessing the “first shovel of earth” turned for the project turning fallow acres into a new town powered by the ubiquitous sunshine in S. Florida. (Note* stay tuned for a full article on Babcock Ranch Solar Town in upcoming article this coming week)

The Hotel: Country Inn & Suites by Carlton was perfect! Great people, perfect room and bath, wonderful breakfasts, excellent WiFi, quiet enough to sleep, a pool and hot tub, workout room and easy SAFE parking!  We enjoyed new movie on HBO, and there were several good restaurants within a minute of the Inn. This Country Inn & Suites is located in Port Charlotte, Fl 24244 Corporate Court Port Charlotte, FL. 33954  just off I-75. Phone: 941-235-1035 

Keys Real Estate and Rental Group Trying to Assist After Irma

Los Cayos=(Those Bones) as the Spanish called the Keys Hundreds of years ago! 1st-Islamorada, FL. Keys–Recently the whole world viewed and anguished over a natural weather and earth set of disasters-namely hurricanes and earthquakes. One hard hit area-the Florida Keys took it on the chin with winds and surges, before Irma headed for the rest of FL., Keys residents received nearly as hard a hit, as the area ever had. Yes, there have been worse storms and far more deaths, as in the 1935 Labor Day disaster that even blew a train off the tracks that linked mainland Florida with all the habitable islands in the Keys chain-over 500 people died in that one. Irma pummeled Puerto Rico, then Harvey slammed a left and right punch, and nearly finished this country of 3.5-million off, which probably will never recover fully.

Taking into consideration there is a need for housing, as so many homes and apartments were damaged and are uninhabitable, at least one group in the small town of Islamorada and surrounding Keys; Coastal Vacation Rentals of The Florida Keys is trying to match locals,  residents and would-be visitors with clean, livable rentals as a bridge, or permanently  for their needs and quiet peace and enjoyment of their lives. David at Coastal Vacation Rentals is doing just that!   I asked David (yes, he’s my son) if he has has weekly, monthly and yearly rentals from traditional island homes and apartments, to some of those local swank homes available as vacation abodes for the highly discriminating vacationers, both Bayside or Oceanside, and inland as well?  Dave told me that “if we don’t have what locals and visitors are in need of, we will find it for them”  David has called Keys home of 40-years. After leaving for military service, he is now transitioning back to the Keys full time, and is working with Coastal Vacation Rentals of the FL Keys. One of his major specialties in the Military was Logistics. Generals and Colonels relied on David and his crews to “gettin er done.” And he never let them down. He is bringing his strengths in Logistics to doing this too, as far as getting it done, for whoever works with him and his team in the keys, as well.

In the military, he knows how to make it happen in disaster, or during quiet times too!. So finding the rental of house, boat and offering full concierge services is a cake-walk for him. Sure I am his father, and who better knows what his son is capable of? I’m sure after Irma’s visit and the fact that he was brought up in the Florida Keys, he knows the ins and outs of the Upper Keys, and has a tremendous support group of others, also brought up in the fabulous Florida Keys, just a keystroke away from helping him, making it happen.  While Hurricane Irma has taken out some of the resorts, David spent time before and after the latest natural disaster both for Keys Emergency Management needs and tourism housing there. It would be is a great opportunity for anyone working with David to hit a homerun in finding whatever their needs are in The keys this year. Be assured the Keys will be more desirable this winter then ever.  Less people, more fish and  perfect, personalized service. NOTE: CURRENTLY DAVID IS DIRECTOR OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT FOR THE UNITED STATE AIR FORCE!



Crab claws and gals in the Florida Keys!