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Category Archives: Outdoor Florida Magazine

Images for Weekend

Alaska Haven on Earth tells about a family who moved to North Pole, Alaska and developed a B&B and outdoor enthusiasts enclave. They are near Fairbanks, Alaska.
Marsha Mae Marks Horse Whisperer article. She is the true horse trainer that does it right!







AmericanPressTravelNews-March 2nd, -Bob’s articles in Spring Edition of New Pioneer! Magazines can be bought on-line and at major big box food and hardware stores across America. Note* Walmart, Publics, Loews, carry this magazine as well as Sams Club too!

Tony Romano-Wood Carver Extraordinary

American Press Travel News-Florida-Feb. 25th,-Bob and Barb “On The Road Again“-When I met Tony Romano, I had no idea until I saw a large showcase filled with some of his over 600-various carvings, in genre’s that include birds, fish and other wild creatures, of how creative and talented he is.

He is a fine soft-spoken fellow who moved from Orient, NY, to Florida in 2010. His previous life revolved around a quality taxidermy business for 6-years, and then spent twenty years in the wine and liquor business before retiring to warm, and comfy Florida.

Residing in Port St Lucie, FL, his favorite relax time where we met, is a hot tub where we both jiggle our back, arms and legs against the powerful jets of a fabulous and large hot tub system. “Carving takes my mind off of mine, and the worlds issues, I totally immerse myself into creating something out of 3X6 inch rectangular block of wood, creating a pretty, lifelike Cardinal bird, that once I paint it, people can enjoy the look of a nearly real bird. My sense of satisfaction is beyond words. My favorite piece (all of them really are) is my Redhead Duck. I won a ribbon my first time I entered into a jury’d carvers contest” said Tony Romano. 

3-D Fishing Products Offers An Offshore Anglers Set of Great Tools!

American Press Travel News- 11/30/2017–PSL, Florida–New Product Review- for the Ultimate Bait Bridle and Ultimate Fishing Float: Great for any offshore opportunities. These flats and bridles WORK for you!  Highly recommended for sails, tuna, marlin species and tuna. Great for sending a bait out to the dolphin fish too!!

Ultimate Bait Bridles

1.) Attaching the bridle to the hook first provides for easier opening and closing and assures that the rubber retainer will not dislodge.
2.) The bridles are made of spring stainless steel and may be opened as wide as necessary to accommodate the bait. They will retain their original shape when re-locked (closed).
3.) Experiment with different attachment locations on baits. Depending on bait size and water currents, you can attach the bridle to the snout, through the top of the eye sockets, dorsal fin area as well as tail area. (We utilize the top of the eye socket with the large bridle when rigging bunker for bass.)

Ultimate Fishing Float

1.) The floats work with soda bottles from 12 ounces up to two liters. (They do not fit on most water bottles.) Coke(r) bottles work perfectly – Pepsi(r) bottles have a slightly different thread design. A small piece of plastic wrap will seal a Pepsi(r) bottle.
2.) Spray the inside of the bottles with a few quick shots of paint to color. (Be sure to allow the paint to fully dry before attaching the float.)
3.) Use light sticks at night to clearly see bait position.
4.) Floats are infinitely adjustable – tighten or loosen depending upon weight, wind, line and desired release pressure.
5.) Floats remain in the upright position when in release clip. If float is lying on its side, it has released due to either an unseen fish bite or the need to tighten.
6.) Floats are constructed of ABS plastic and stainless steel and do not require rinsing or lubrication.

ARE MADE AND ASSEMBLED ENTIRELY IN THE USA!  ultimatefishingfloat(at)gmail(dot)com

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 106
Wading River, NY 11792








3-D Fishing Products  P.O. Box 106
Wading River, NY 11792