To Carp or Not to Carp—Author, Bob T. Epstein, Publisher of
There are more than 100 known species of carp in the world. The main species of carp found in the USA are silver, grass, common (German) mirror, grass, and big head.
Carp are probably the healthiest fish to eat and according to the World Book Encyclopedia, 90-percent of the world’s population subsist on the protein carp provides.
Unfortunately, carp have a poor public image in America. But, it has been getting better over the past few years. Many anglers used to bending their rods on fish, from 1-6 or, even 10-pounds, who hook a carp unintentionally, are amazed and delighted by the stamina and pull of even, a 5-10 pounder.
Some anglers are introduced to carp fishing by a friend, and then after experiencing hooking up on a carp, are “hooked”, too!
My first time was in a small pond in Queens N.Y. I cast a slice of bread with 3-hooks in its crust. I laid my Mitchell 300 down on a rock, chatting with a friend who showed me the pond, and the large carp that it held. Suddenly, my line leaked at the spool, after I heard a sucking sound in the dark of the evening. I hooked up and found that I really liked the sound of my spool drag. The carp was about 10-pounds, and the next day I skipped school to get ready to head over, on my Schwinn.
Today, the biggest problem for carp to be taken seriously as a fish to enjoy catching, is image. For decades carp have been thrown into the column of “trash fish.” Seems the over-abundance of many species has falsely condemned them as being unworthy of anything, but being used as fertilizer, or just leaving them on the bank to rot, what a giant waste of a tasty fish! Yes, a fecund carp can produce a million eggs, twice per year. Most of these are food for all manner of our dear gamefish. And no, carp do not chase out other species. Carp can live in waters many gamefish cannot, due to oxygen levels, turbidity, and temperatures, as well.
Waiting on a bite!!!
Word -of-mouth marketing, helps in educating and offering experienced information about the positive qualities of these fish. The in-your-mouth experience of eating them, are the two biggest means of getting the ball rolling, to ramp up commercial and personal harvesting efforts.