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Monthly Archives: June 2023

Found my Dog, Adopt A Rescue Dog, God Says So!

American Press Travel News-June 7th-TN–Well, Barb and I said that since Terry passed five years ago: “If a dog finds us, thats when we would have found our dog.” So, Teddy found us. He is our new son now! What is his breed: He is a Maltese, Bolognese Bichon mix. But, whatever he is called, he is a fabulous 7-pounds of personality, love and action.  Teddy (after Teddy Roosevelt) really is a hunter at heart. No squirrel goes untreed, no deer not jumping the fence to get away from little/big Teddy, a terror to Chipmunks and our raider crows cleaning out the seeds at the songbird feeders are immune from the speedy dash of a dog who really doesnt know his true size {7-pounds acting liker 150-Mountain Bernese) as his pell mell dash and raucous bark scares all in his path. Today, a few million Americans buy or rent RV’s so they can take their pets with them on vacations. Although, several national motels and hotels recognize the value of allowing travelers to bring their pets, when checking in to their rooms. Its just good business! A pet owner is usually a much happier, even healthier than a non pet owner. Lots of smiles, extra exercise and general joy de vivre can add extra life to pet owners. Also, a dog has senses that are far and away more powerful and sensitive to danger, than a human. A barking dog helps deter ner-do-well’s from your property and your door. My previous dog, Terry saved my life when sensing a giant tree was about to fall and literally pulled me away from where the huge tree crashed to earth. Terry was a litter-runt, throw-away. We got him at a shelter that would have done him in. Instead we had a loving, wonderful companion. We had 14 great years, before his kidneys gave out. Terry was buried with a hand-carved, stone marker on our ranch. Teddy can never take his place. So we have started a new chapter with this little dog. I’ve been smiling alot, again! Adopt go: FOCCAS— Focus On Cumberland County Animal Safety. Great dedicated people who truly love and want to assist all pets who need another home with love!!!