Gag grouper surprised us in Paradise, all day long! They were all released during their season except for the 7-pounder we(I) caught.
APtravelnews- Game and Fish news release- Nov. 30th,–Gag grouper will close for recreational harvest in most Gulf of Mexico state waters Dec. 4, with the last day of harvest being Dec. 3. All Gulf federal waters will close Dec. 3, with the last day of harvest being Dec. 2.
State waters off Franklin, Wakulla, Jefferson and Taylor counties were open from April 1 through June 30 and were not open during the July 1 through Dec. 3 season. Monroe County is also excluded from the July 1 through Dec. 3 season because it follows Atlantic rules for gag grouper.
The FWC manages marine fish from the shore to 9 nautical miles in the Gulf of Mexico.
To learn more, visit and click on “Saltwater,” “Recreational Regulations” and “Gulf Grouper.”
Barb loves to fish and she is showing a largemouth 7-pounder, caught in one of the thousands of retention ponds in Florida. This rain-catcher pond behind our home is chock-full of threadfin shad and all manner of bass, including invasive Peacock bass too!
APtravelnews-November 29th,-Bob and Barb On The Road Again-PSL, Florida. With about 5,444 lakes and innumerable ponds and waterways, retention ponds, etc. there are many species of rod-bending fish in Florida fresh and brackish waters. The primary species are Largemouth Bass, Peacock Bass, Crappie-Speck, Asian Snakehead, Sunshine Bass, Suwannee Bass, as well as so many sunfish and brim varieties as well, not to mention the hundreds of species of foreign invaders released by people, tired of their aquariums and releasing all manner of Amazonian critters into the Everglades water shed. These invasive species find their way into waterways all across and up and down the state. Given the fact that there are more than 34-species of freshwater fish that can be caught on rod and reel, there is no wonder fishing is one of the primary pursuits of visitors who visit the Sunshine State.
The largest Lake in Florida; Lake Okeechobee has more Largemouth bass and Crappie (Specs) than any other lake in Florida, and has active sport fishing guide services as well. The neophyte angler believes that Largemouth Bass are an easy hookup and catch, but bass being living creatures, are cold blooded fish affected by a whole range of variables that can often make them seem to have a strong case of “lock-jaw.” The power a savvy angler has over these big mouth predators is understanding how to match the hatch. This is similar to a fly fisherman picking a fly that as closely as possible mimics what they are feeding on at that time-frame. Believe me, bass can change their feeding pattern almost in an instant. If you can find out what they are feeding on (as I did this morning when my Al’s Goldfish treble hook snagged a silver threadfin shad about 3-inches long) I realized why my gold Al’s Lure wasn’t getting strikes, so I changed to a silver Al’s 2.5 inch and took strike after strike, with the resultant jump and dodge again and again. I had successfully matched the hatch! The important thing I’ve learned whether I trout fish with fly’s or bass fish with lures is taking the time to scope out where the fish are biting, what they are biting on and just taking the time to think out a plan of action before I go and blow my shots by being too hasty trying to get my lure into the water!
Crappie (Specs) are not very difficult to catch. You just need to know when and on what they are biting on. These fish are a few we caught on Lake Norris in TN.
A fishing friend in the Florida Keys!Missed opportunity. Green big bull dolphin nearly broke legs as it came over the side just after I snapped this shot! One strong fish hooked up in Costa Rican waters!Still life at IGFA Museum! Remember, If fished Africa!John Kuliski in Islamorada! This picture appeared in magazines and on commercially made fish shirts as well! A favorite shot of mine!Vito now passed on was king of the Megaladon tooth world! He gave me one for my desk and I use it as a pen holder.Spanish Fly Capitan took me fishing several times. He really knew his trade and had a great TV show.
The morning is for fishing in our back yard pond and the evening is for wearing our Dolphin hat while we cheer for our Florida team;the Miami Dolphins!Barb is wearing a shoulder model that also has a neck flap. This item can last more than 2-hours in heat mode and can be activated fully in mere seconds as all the other models are.
APtravelnews-November 27th, “Bob and Barb on the Road Again”- The day after T.G. Day, we are getting ready for the football season again. With the latest cold-front kicking in, Barb and I got out our Click-It Hotheating and warming units to pack for our trip to a Miami Dolphins game. Look, if Barb is wearing a shoulder model that also has a neck flap she is going to be comfortable in blowing wind, and evenings dropping temperatures. This item can last more than 2-hours in heat mode and can be activated fully in mere seconds, as all the other models are. If you’re going to be seated on a metal or stark wooden seat this time of year, you’ll want to be warm enough to be comfortable. Nowhere is warmth and comfort more important than in Ice fishing. The season is slowly building as waters have begun to freeze in thousands of lakes and ponds of the north country. Imagine sitting on a seat out on the ice jigging for pike, perch and trout. Often temperatures reach down to double digit below freezing conditions. The near instant 130-degrees temperatures generated by the various sizes of Click-It Hot can be much more than offering a comfort level to the user, it also can and is a life-saver. Just ask anyone who has had an instance of frozen extremities, and skirted, or felt the onset of Hypothermia how valuable a near- instant heat source in their pockets has been, or could be and without a doubt, their reaction would be surprise even that this question was asked. We know that keeping a few Click-It Hot hand warmers inside our glove compartment and stored, on or in our outdoor vehicles, back packs, boats, and a few stored in our sleeping bags can be a whole lot more than a convenience. For direct ordering, or finding out about the many shows you can obtain Click-It Hot products at in your area and to get more information go: www.clickIt
NOTE* If you think Click-It Hot is only for warmth, you’d be forgetting that they can also be used cold. The same units can be refrigerated and if soothing cold is needed as in a head-bump or abrasions these units can be the beswt way to keep down the swelling in these areas!
A representation of some of the Click-It Hot products you’ll see at the various shows and on-line! These are for medical and sports use!